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LDAP Authentication module for nginx

LDAP module for nginx which supports authentication against multiple LDAP servers.

Project history

This project is a clone of nginx-auth-ldap original module from kvspb.

The reasons for this fork are:

  • The original project seems abondonned (no commit since 2 years).
  • Inherit from other contributors fixes/features:
  • Add new features:
    • Add the use of resolver to resolve hostname of the LDAP server.
    • Support LDAP attributes fecthing during search.
    • Added an encoding attribute to the binddn_passwd parameter.
    • Manage connections waiting a reconnect delay in a specific queue, so that we can cancel the reconnect delay when a new request ask for an authentication and no free connection is available, but some are waiting to re-connect.
    • Fix the usage of max_down_retries parameter
    • Add the clean_on_timeout option

How to install


cd /usr/ports/www/nginx && make config install clean

Check HTTP_AUTH_LDAP options

[*] HTTP_AUTH_LDAP        3rd party http_auth_ldap module


cd ~ && git clone   

in nginx source folder

./configure --add-module=path_to_http_auth_ldap_module
make install

Example configuration

Define list of your LDAP servers with required user/group requirements:

    http {

      ldap_server test1 {
        url ldap://,DC=local?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=person);
        binddn "TEST\\LDAPUSER";
        binddn_passwd LDAPPASSWORD;
        group_attribute uniquemember;
        group_attribute_is_dn on;
        require valid_user;

      ldap_server test2 {
        url ldap://,DC=local?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=person);
        binddn "TEST\\LDAPUSER";
        binddn_passwd LDAPPASSWORD;
        group_attribute uniquemember;
        group_attribute_is_dn on;
        require valid_user;

And add required servers in correct order into your location/server directive:

    server {
        listen       8000;
        server_name  localhost;

        auth_ldap "Forbidden";
        auth_ldap_servers test1;
        auth_ldap_servers test2;

        location / {
            root   html;
            index  index.html index.htm;


Available config parameters


  • Syntax: auth_ldap_cache_enabled on | off;
  • Default: auth_ldap_cache_enabled off;
  • Context: http


  • Syntax: auth_ldap_cache_expiration_time time;
  • Default: auth_ldap_cache_expiration_time 10s;
  • Context: http

Cache expiration time (see for time intervals syntax).


  • Syntax: auth_ldap_cache_size size;
  • Default: auth_ldap_cache_size 100;
  • Context: http

Number of cached LDAP authentications (min 100)


  • Syntax: auth_ldap_servers_size size;
  • Syntax: auth_ldap_servers_size 7;
  • Context: http

Maximum number of ldap_server elements to support


  • Syntax: auth_ldap off | realm;
  • Default: --
  • Context: http, server, loc, limit_expect

Set the realm to be used with the WWW-Authenticate response header when authentication failed or is missing.


  • Syntax: auth_ldap_servers name;
  • Default: --
  • Context: http, server, loc, limit_expect

Select the server name to work with user authentication


  • Syntax: auth_ldap_resolver address ... [valid=time] [ipv4=on|off] [ipv6=on|off] [status_zone=zone];
  • Default: --
  • Context: http

The resolver to use as a fallback when the system hostname resolution (gethostbyname()) can't resolve the LDAP server hostname. See the resolver directive of the ngx_http_core_module


  • Syntax: auth_ldap_resolver_timeout time;
  • Default: auth_ldap_resolver_timeout 10s;
  • Context: http

Resolver requests timeout (see for time intervals syntax).


  • Syntax: ldap_server name { ... }
  • Default: none
  • Context: http

Configuration parameters for the ldap_server block


  • Syntax: url url;
  • Default: --
  • Context: ldap_server block

url format: ldap[s]://host[:port]/dn?attrs?scope?filter[?exts]


  • Syntax: binddn dn;
  • Default: --
  • Context: ldap_server block

The DN for the initial bind


  • Syntax: binddn_passwd password [text | base64 | hex];
  • Default: --
  • Context: ldap_server block

The initial bind password. can be encoded in clear text (the default) or be encoded in base64 or HEX representation


  • Syntax: group attr;
  • Default: --
  • Context: ldap_server block


  • Syntax: group_attribute_is_dn on | off;
  • Default: group_attribute_is_dn off;
  • Context: ldap_server block

Tell to search for full DN in member object.


  • Syntax: require valid_user | user | group;
  • Default: --;
  • Context: ldap_server block


  • Syntax: satisfy all | any;
  • Default: --;
  • Context: ldap_server block


  • Syntax: max_down_retries number;
  • Default: max_down_retries 0;
  • Context: ldap_server block

Retry count for attempting to reconnect to an LDAP server if it is considered "DOWN". This may happen if a KEEP-ALIVE connection to an LDAP server times out or is terminated by the server end after some amount of time.

This can usually help with the following error:

http_auth_ldap: ldap_result() failed (-1: Can't contact LDAP server)


  • Syntax: ssl_check_cert on | chain | off;
  • Default: ssl_check_cert off;
  • Context: ldap_server block

Verify the remote certificate for LDAPs connections. If disabled, any remote certificate will be accepted which exposes you to possible man-in-the-middle attacks. Note that the server's certificate will need to be signed by a proper CA trusted by your system if this is enabled. See below how to trust CAs without installing them system-wide.

This options needs OpenSSL >= 1.0.2; it is unavailable if compiled with older versions.

When chain is given, verify cert chain but not hostname/IP in SAN


  • Syntax: ssl_ca_file file-path;
  • Default: --;
  • Context: ldap_server block

Trust the CA certificate in this file (see ssl_check_cert above).


  • Syntax: ssl_ca_file dir-path;
  • Default: --;
  • Context: ldap_server block

Trust all CA certificates in this directory (see ssl_check_cert above).

Note that you need to provide hash-based symlinks in the directory for this to work; you'll basically need to run OpenSSL's c_rehash command in this directory.


  • Syntax: referral on | off;
  • Default: referral on;
  • Context: ldap_server block

LDAP library default is on. This option disables usage of referral messages from LDAP server. Usefull for authenticating against read only AD server without access to read write.


  • Syntax: attribute_header_prefix string;
  • Default: attribute_header_prefix X-LDAP-ATTRS-;
  • Context: ldap_server block

The prefix for the HEADER names used to carry the feteched attributes (default: "X-LDAP-ATTRS-")


  • Syntax: search_attributes attr1 [ [ attr2 ] ... [ attrN ] ];
  • Default: --
  • Context: ldap_server block

Space delimited list of LDAP attribute descriptions to include in the search (require valid-user or require user). Each attribute value will be return as a HTTP header (<attribute_header_prefix><search_attribute>) in the authentication response.


  • Syntax: reconnect_timeout timespec;
  • Default: reconnect_timeout 10s;
  • Context: ldap_server block

The delay before reconnection attempts (see for timespec syntax)


  • Syntax: connections count;
  • Default: connections 1;
  • Context: ldap_server block

The number of connections to the server use in //


  • Syntax: clean_on_timeout on | off;
  • Default: clean_on_timeout off;
  • Context: ldap_server block

Tell the module to shutdown an re-connect a LDAP server connection after a send timeout detected (instead of just marking the connection as free again).


LDAP authentication module for nginx







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