The plan is to design a fully modular case for home-made ESP8266/Arduino/Raspberry Pi devices, like temperature or motion sensors, information monitors etc.
This is still a work in progress! Know OpenSCAD and want to contribute? Check out the issue tracker, pick a ticket and let everyone know you started working on it!
- IRC: irc://
- Thingiverse:
The latest official OpenSCAD release is 2015.03-3 (from almost four years ago). This release renders the design incorrectly. Please use a newer OpenSCAD version from git:
- Work in progress:
- NodeMCU Amica v2, e.g.
- NodeMCU Lolin v3, e.g.
- Planned:
- Wemos D1 Mini
- Various Arduino boards
- (with optional large base): Raspberry Pi
- ...
- Work in progress:
- Spacer
- Planned:
- Displays
- OLED 0.96", e.g.
- OLED 1.3", e.g.
- Temperature sensors
- DHT11/22
- Motion sensors
- HC-SR501, e.g.
- Switch
- Battery
- 9V block
- ...
- Displays
- Work in progress:
- LED dome
- Planned:
- Flat cap
- ...
- Translate the Fusion360 model to english language description
- Add cable ducts to modules
- The node MCU and other boards as well have mounting holes, use them for better support in the base
- The PCB modules could be fit a little bit tighter into their respective casing making it easier e.g. to push a button from the outside
- How to handle larger modules than radius of base?
- I see three options here:
- offer larger base sizes, that shrink in diameter towards the top, so we end up with the same module connectors
- if there's also a need for larger modules, we could offer a large & small version of each module fairly easily (hooray parameterized design)
- there could be conversion modules between the large and small sizes, which would allow you to place several large modules at the bottom and then switch to the smaller ones for the upper modules
- I see three options here:
- NodeMCU v2 (from original): 48mm (L) x 26mm (W) x 13mm (H)
- position of mounting holes? ground and height clearance needed?
- I will try to gather as much information and links to "official" specs as I can find this afternoon
- position of mounting holes? ground and height clearance needed?
- Create OpenSCAD parts of the model, roughly based on the existing design (see below)
- Create modules from parts
- Profit!
Current issues with this design:
- Only one basis, for the NodeMCU v2
- PIR Motion sensor module has broken hinges (too deep, compare with other modules)
- OLED 0.96" is a tiny bit too small for the revision 2 displays
- Temperature sensor module is a bit small for DHT11 and way too small for DHT22
- A bunch of other modules are still missing
- Designed in Fusion360, OpenSCAD (open source/FOSS) would be preferred