This Repo is archived. See Gepardec/JBSS for a current version.
The jbosstools are a collection of scripts and examples how to configure JBoss AS and JBoss EAP.
- The JBoss version must be 7 or higher.
- Unix-style OS. Tested on Linux (Fedora, RHEL, Ubuntu), Solaris
- Download the JBoss ZIP package (e.g. to $HOME/Downloads
- Clone the Git-repository:
git clone
- Make sure that $HOME/bin is in the PATH (
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
Run the following commands:
bin/ -h
bin/ -r jboss-eap-6.4.0
myjboss configure configs/basic_setup
myjboss configure configs/database_with_m4_template
myjboss help
Point your browser to http://localhost:8080/seam-booking
Each JBoss instance has a name (e.g: myjboss). The central script to manage an
instance is jboss7. You shouldn't use jboss7 directly. Instead you create
a link instance -> jboss7. When you call the script, it looks under which name it
was called and reads an environment file $HOME/.instancerc (e.g: .myjbossrc). From this the basic environment
variables like JBOSS_HOME
are obtained. Then the script can start/stop
JBoss and it can configure JBoss with help of jboss-cli.
From "myjboss -h"
Usage: myjboss <command> [file]
where <command> is one of:
start - start JBoss Server myjboss
stop - stop JBoss Server myjboss (kill)
restart - stoppen und starten
status - check wether JBoss Server myjboss is running
admin - starten von
deploy f - copy file f to /home/esiegl/jboss-myjboss/standalone/deployments/
configure f - configure server with file or directory f. Use >/home/esiegl/bin/myjboss configure< for more help.
run f - same as configure. Intended to run scripts within the specific environment.
tear-down - remove the whole installation! (rm -rf /home/esiegl/jboss-myjboss)
log - show logfile with tail -f
out - show console output with tail -f
help - this screen
From "myjboss configure"
Usage: myjboss configure [ file | dir ]
where the file-extension is in:
conf - file with commands for /home/esiegl/jboss-myjboss/bin/ --connect --controller=localhost:9999
sh - file with shell commands. JBOSS_HOME is exported.
module - Zip-file to be unpacked in /home/esiegl/jboss-myjboss/modules (deprecated, use zip instead)
zip - Zip-file to be unpacked in JBOSS_HOME (/home/esiegl/jboss-myjboss)
restart - call /home/esiegl/bin/myjboss restart
If the argument is a directory, it will be processed recursively.
If there is a file 00_BOOTSTRAP in a directory, it will be processed before everything else. Eg. for handling templates.