This demo app uses Spring Boot Framework, and can be built and deployed with gradle and deployed on Docker. In order to deploy this application, you need to execute the following commands:
docker-compose build
To run tests standalone ( which would require the database to be up, see commands below ):
docker-compose run --rm tests
This command builds all the necessary images to build the React application, boot the spring boot application and run tests at the same time.
To run services execute:
docker-compose up database -d
Run this so that the database starts ahead and the application doesn't have a race condition here due to Docker not upping these one by one then
docker-compose up java
By executing the command above, you also create a mysql database server with hardcoded credentials.
If you want to use your own external mysql server go to src/main/resources/
and change the
credentials according to your needs.
In case you do not use docker, and build and boot with gradlew, you are going to need a database dedicated to this app.
If you only want to build and run a container that runs the java application execute:
docker build --target boot-run -t boot-run . && docker run -p 8080:8080 --name fortnox boot-run
If you want to start a dev server for the React application execute:
cd ./app && npm run start