OpenNGO is a free, open source project to help non-governmental organizations (NGOs) best manage their resoures and projects.
OpenNGO is a web-based Ruby on Rails app
Tested on:
- Ubuntu/Debian
- OSx
Should work fine on any *nix systems (any trubles? open an issue)
Main gems/lib/services used to power the OpenNGO:
- Rails MVC Web framework
- Bootstrap/JQuery UI
- Paperclip Upload
- Devise Authentication
- CanCanCan Autherization
- Omniauth Login with FB/Twitter
- Kaminari Pagination
- Globalize Content Translation
- Trello Collaboration Tool
- RSpec Ruby Testing Lib
- Travis-Ci Continuous Integration
- Heroku Demo Hosting
Databases (tested on):
- Postgresql
- sQLite
- Ability to Add Projects
- Ability to Add Members
- Ability to Add Donors
- Ability to Add NGO Branches
- Ability to Add Activites, freeform or to project
- Ability to Add expenses to an Activity
- Tagging for (projects, members)
- Basic Integration with Trello
- Ability to Add Milestones
- Members Notifications (email, sms)
OpenNGO is is currently stable, nonetheless it is under heavy development.
Following instructions are meant for *nix systems. We highly recommend using one for working with OpenNGO.
- Install prerequisites (ruby/rails/git)
- Fork OpenNGO repo
- Create a clone of your fork on your system
- Make your modification or add a feature
- Make a pull request
- If the request is approved, you will have made your contribution to OpenNGO! Nice Work!
OpenNGO is released under Apache License V 2.0
OpenNGO is maintained and funded by Eptikar IT Solutions. The names and logos for Eptikar are trademarks of Eptikar IT Solutions, inc. We ❤️ open source software and we use awesome open source tools to provide custom software development to our clients. Get in touch.