This package implements a number of methods for detecting pure epistatic interactions with a predetermined target variant. The common denominator lies in the use of propensity scores to filter out the main effects of the rest of genotype. The methods incorporate propensity scores in two different ways: either in the sample weights (outcome weighted learning) or in the response (modified outcome).
You can install the released version of epiGWAS from CRAN with:
The latest development version is directly available from GitHub:
The example below illustrates how to use our methods on a synthetic dataset:
# Genotype simulation
n_samples <- 300
p <- 450
# Genotypes matrix with {0, 1, 2} SNP values
genotypes <- matrix(
(runif(n_samples * p, min = 0, max = 1) <
runif(n_samples * p, min = 0, max = 1)) +
(runif(n_samples * p, min = 0, max = 1) <
runif(n_samples * p, min = 0, max = 1)),
ncol = p, nrow = n_samples, dimnames = list(NULL, paste0("SNP_", seq_len(p)))
# Phenotype simulation
target <- "SNP_56"
syner <- paste0("SNP_",, 10))
size_effects <- rnorm(10)
binarized <- genotypes[, target] > 1
risk <- (2 * binarized - 1) * (genotypes[, syner] %*% size_effects)
risk <- risk - mean(risk) # Centering to balance cases and controls
phenotype <- runif(n_samples) < 1/(1+exp(-risk)) # Logistic model
The propensity scores can be estimated using the fastPHASE hidden Markov
model. Make sure to download the
fastPHASE executable before running
the fast_HMM
hmm <- fast_HMM(genotypes, fp_path = "/path/to/fastPHASE",
n_state = 4, n_iter = 10)
propensity <- cond_prob(genotypes, target, hmm, binary = FALSE)
propensity <- propensity[cbind(seq(dim(genotypes)[1]), binarized + 1)]
All the pieces are now in place to apply our epistasis detection methods
via the epiGWAS
stability_scores <- epiGWAS(binarized, genotypes[, colnames(genotypes) != target], phenotype,
propensity, methods = c("OWL", "modified_outcome", "shifted_outcome",
"normalized_outcome", "robust_outcome"), parallel = FALSE)
Slim, L., Chatelain, C., Azencott, C.-A., & Vert, J.-P. (2018). Novel Methods for Epistasis Detection in Genome-Wide Association Studies. BioRxiv. Retrieved from