A web application for signature detection.
It's based on the signature detection tool I created.
This app has 3 features.
detect the signature in an image
correct the error in the detection result
add a signature to the result
In the end, user can download the result as a json file.
This application is shipped with Docker.
After downloading the codes, you can run it in 2 modes.
cd signature_detection_app
docker-compose up
cd signature_detection_app
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
That's all! The application is run at localhost.
The application is composed by 3 parts.
It is created by CRA (create-reat-app), written by Typescript.
It uses Fastapi, a Python web framework.
web server
It is Nginx. It proxys the requests.
For now, no database is connected. It's very easy to extend with docker-compose
CRA includes the testing-library.
To test the file you create or modify, run:
cd signature_detection_app/frontend npm test -- --coverage
To test all the files, run:
cd signature_detection_app/frontend npm test -- --watchAll=false --coverage
I uses
for backend testing.To see the test coverage, run:
cd signature_detection_app source backend-coverage.sh
Innovation project: from Lab to Production
It's an article I wrote about how this project is created.
signature_detection Github repo
It's a Github repo I created that explains the signature detection algorithm. It also includes the Jupyter notebooks to play with.
It's a PyPI package of signature detection. It can detect the signature from both images and PDF files.