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IoC Container

Elegant Go IoC based on Laravels container

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go get

You now have a global container at your disposal

Bind a service to an abstraction

package main

type SayHelloService interface {
	SayHello() string

func NewHelloWorldService() SayHelloService {
	return &HelloWorldService{}

type HelloWorldService struct{}

func (s *HelloWorldService) SayHello() string {
	return "Hello World"

func main() {
	// We can do it this way
	Container.Bind(new(SayHelloService), new(HelloWorldService))
	// Binding abstract -> concrete resolver function
	Container.Bind(new(SayHelloService), NewHelloWorldService)
	// Binding abstract -> concrete via single function
	// Now we resolve...
	// Option one, type casts
	service := Container.Make(new(SayHelloService)).(SayHelloService)
	// Option two, bind to var
	var service SayHelloService


When Make/MakeTo is called, any dependencies your service requires Will be resolved from the container... So for example, you could do this

package main

func main() {
	// Create and bind first thing to container
	type ServiceOne struct {
		msg string
	Container.Bind(func() *ServiceOne {
		return &ServiceOne{msg: "Hello there!"}
	// Now lets set up our service which uses this
	type ServiceTwo struct {
		ServiceOne *ServiceOne
	// Our resolver function, ServiceOne is a dependency	
	Container.Bind(new(ServiceTwo), func(serviceOne *ServiceOne) *ServiceTwo {
		return &ServiceTwo{ServiceOne: serviceOne}
	// Now when we resolve ServiceTwo it will have an instance of ServiceOne attached
	var serviceTwo *ServiceTwo
	print(serviceTwo.ServiceOne.msg) // outputs "Hello There!"

Calling methods/Creating structs

If we wish to instantiate a struct/call a method using dependency injection, we can!

Calling methods with DI
package main

// This is a nice simple way I like to boot my apps up
func main() {
	// Bind some service to the container

func bootApp(database *DatabaseService) {
	// database will be automatically injected into the method & called for us.
Instantiating structs with DI
package main

type SomeOtherServiceAbstract interface {
type SomeOtherService struct{}

func (s *SomeOtherService) DoAThing() {
	print("Hi :)")

type SomeService struct {
	someOtherService *SomeOtherService

func main() {
	// Bind our services to the container
	Container.Bind(func() *SomeOtherService {
		return &SomeOtherService{}
	Container.Bind(func() *SomeService {
		return &SomeService{}

// Resolve our service from the container
func bootApp(service *SomeService) {
	// service.someOtherService will now be a fresh instance of SomeOtherService


  • Binding:
    • Abstract -> Concrete
    • Concrete
    • Abstract -> Concrete via function
    • Singletons (Container.Singleton(new(SingletonService)))
    • Singleton Instances(pre created) (Container.Instance(someVarWithInstance))
    • Tagging categories of bindings with a string (Container.Tag("SomeCategory", new(ServiceOne), new(ServiceTwo))
      • Container.Tagged("SomeCategory"))
  • Resolution:
    • Finding required args to instantiate via a function and injecting them
    • Instantiating a struct and filling its fields
  • Dependency Injection:
    • Ability to call a method via the container (Container.Call(methodReference)) - Type hinted parameters are resolved from the container(if bound)
    • Ability to instantiate a struct & fill the fields (atm, only for structs bound to the container)
      • This allows us to bind to the container, and have additional field level injection, rather than just the function we bind with
      • Struct tag & Config option to only inject to fields with the specified tag(basically complete, need to test & check some things)
  • Child Containers - (Container.CreateChildContainer())
    • If the binding isn't found in the child, it will be resolved from parents
    • Allowing for request based Containers, that then fall back to the main container
  • "Invocation" helper:
    • This is a helper I created to make calling a method/instantiating & filling struct fields a bit cleaner
      • CreateInvocable(reflect.TypeOf(method or struct) - This will give us an instance of "Invocable" back
    • More docs to come in the future... refer to Container_test.go ^^

There's a lot more to document, but it's still a WIP, just wanted to get this out today


  • Struct field injection (if your binding has services which exist in the container, they'll be resolved and set on the struct during resolve) - I have the code for this, just need to add it
  • Ability to call a method via the container
    • Ability to call a method on a binding via the container
    • Note: This is already possible, im just unsure on the syntax I want to go with
  • Container resolution events (hook into bindings being resolved)
  • Probably lots more :D

One thing to clear up

I get it that a lot of Go programmers don't feel we need these things, or think that we shouldn't try to make things " elegant"/"framework-like". But I disagree and that's my personal opinion. We all have different ones :)