This package can map colors from cameras onto pointclouds, giving you a colored pointcloud!
##To get started:##
- edit the color_cloud.launch file to reflect your setup
roslaunch color_cloud color_cloud.launch
##Launch Parameters##
- fov_width: field of view width of your camera (0 < x < 180)
- fov_height: field of view height of your camera (0 < x < 180)
- width_offset: positive or negative pixel shift horizontally (+-#)
- height_offset: positive or negative pixel shift vertically (+-#)
##Common problems##
Colored cloud wont display
- is your pointcloud within the camera field of view (FOV)?
- are your transforms set up properly?
My colors dont overlay the pointcloud
- check if your transforms have the correct dimensions
- try tweaking the fov and offset parameters in the launch file
- make sure to use a rectified image for your image topic
My points are in the wong location
- your camera frame must be setup following the camera standard
- z-axis: into the screen
- x-axis: pointing right
- y-axis: pointing down
- your camera frame must be setup following the camera standard
##Known issues##
- will produce an xyzrgb pointcloud only
- values such as intensity do not transfer over
- error on startup (doesnt affect performance)