This application is two things. First, it is a point of sale system designed for small businesses that have an entry fee and also sell various items. Second, it is an introductory/example/demo programming application that bridges the gap between a hello world
list example and advanced tutorials.
Additionally, it combines a printer for food orders and a food notification buzzer when coupled with a Raspberry Pi.
(optional - for the buzzer)
- a Raspberry Pi 2 (other versions require a different printer)
- a Mini Thermal Receipt Printer
- the buzzer from a Sunfounder Sensor Kit
Note: the hardware will need to be connected together and configured. See the complete setup details for more information.
You'll need glide to install the dependencies:
go get
go get
glide install
mysql -u root -p -e "CREATE DATABASE myBusiness"
mysql -u root -p myBusiness < sample.sql
go build && ./point-of-sale -password yourMySQLpasswordHere
- visit http://localhost:8081 in your browser
See here for detailed installation and setup instructions.
This app was built to address the needs of a small family business for which existing point of sale systems did not offer a solution. It doubles as an educational tool for budding developers by covering several concepts in as few lines of code as possible.