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This is a drawing and painting application, assigned in the OOP and Design Patterns course in CSED.

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Lab 2: Paint Application

Team Members:

Name ID
Ahmed Youssef Sobhy Elgoerany 21010217
Ahmed Mustafa Elmorsy Amer 21010189
Ali Hassan Ali Mohamed 21010837
Moustafa Esam El-Sayed Amer 21011364

1 Introduction

The Paint Application is a feature-rich drawing and painting tool designed for creative expression and design. Developed with VueJS for the frontend and Spring Boot for the backend, the application leverages RESTful APIs to facilitate communication between the two layers.

2 Object-Oriented Model for Geometric Shapes

2.1 Design Overview

The object-oriented model encapsulates various geometric shapes, fostering a hierarchy that includes Line Segment, Circle, Ellipse, Triangle, Rectangle, and Square. The model's robustness is underpinned by the effective application of inheritance and polymorphism.

2.2 UML Class Diagram

The UML class diagram visually represents the structure of the object-oriented model, meticulously detailing the classes, attributes, and methods. Inheritance relationships and polymorphism are prominently featured, showcasing the elegance of the design.

Blank diagram.png

3 Application Features

3.1 Drawing and Painting Functionalities

The GUI of the application boasts an extensive array of functionalities for users:

Main Features

  • Drawing Shapes: For example, Triangle, Square, Rectangle, Line Segment, Ellipse, and Circle (by mouse dragging).
  • Resizing and rotation of the selected object.
  • Select: Selecting the element gives you the ability to resize, move, copy, or delete the shape.
  • Move: Moving the selected object without the need to click on the select button.
  • Delete: Delete the selected object without the need to click on the select button.
  • Copy: Copy the selected object without the need to click on the select button.
  • Colour Picker for Fill and Stroke: Colorizing the shapes while drawing.
  • Undo: The user can undo their last actions as many times as they want.
  • Redo: The user can redo as many times as they want.
  • Save options: Save as JSON and XML files. This also saves your drawing history, meaning that after you load the saved file, you can undo as many times as you want.
  • Load options: Load previously saved JSON and XML drawing files.

Extra Features

  • Free-hand drawing: Drawing with a pencil in a freeform way with the desired size of the pencil.
  • Eraser: Erasing in a freeform way with the desired size of the eraser.
  • Auto-save: Your unsaved work won’t be lost as long as the backend server is up and running. You can refresh as many times as you want.
  • Hovering on shapes changes their color and adds a shadow to focus on them, helping people concentrate on the shape. It also assists color-blind people.
  • Multiple stroke widths options to select while drawing.
  • Clear the canvas: This action clears the drawing area. It can also be undone if done by mistake.
  • Fill the shape: An option to fill the selected (previously drawn) shape with the desired color from the color picker.
  • There is an endpoint /clean that can be accessed to clean the database (mostly for developers).
  • Keyboard Functionality: CTRL+Z to undo & CTRL+Y to redo.

3.2 User-Friendly Interface

The GUI is designed with a focus on user-friendliness. Functionality is easily accessible through the interface, providing a seamless user experience.


Screenshot 2023-12-10 140120.png

4 Backend Design Patterns

  1. Shape Factory Design Pattern
    • The Shape Factory Design Pattern dynamically generates various geometric shapes, offering a flexible and extensible approach to shape creation.
  2. Prototype Design Pattern
    • Efficient copying of shapes is achieved through the application of the Prototype Design Pattern, simplifying the creation of new shapes based on existing ones.
  3. Memento Design Pattern
    • The Memento Design Pattern manages the undo and redo functionality, capturing and storing snapshots of the canvas state in stacks for easy restoration.
  4. Singleton Design Pattern
    • The Singleton Design Pattern ensures a single, centralized database instance, managing the current drawn shapes, undo stack, and redo stack. This design choice optimizes resource utilization and prevents unnecessary duplication.

5 Implementation Details

  1. RESTful API Endpoints:
    • /draw (POST): Accepts a JSON request containing shape data, creates a new shape using a factory, and stores it in the database.
    • /copy (POST): Accepts an array of strings containing shape IDs for copying, retrieves the specified shape from the database, clones it, and stores the copy in the database.
    • /clear (GET): Clears the entire canvas by removing all shapes from the database and putting an empty snapshot in the undo stack.
    • /undo (POST): Undoes the last action by reverting the state of the database to the previous state.
    • /redo (POST): Redoes the last undone action by reverting the state of the database to the next state.
    • /update (POST): Accepts shape data, creates a new shape using a factory, and updates the corresponding shape in the database.
    • /delete (POST): Accepts the ID of a shape to be deleted and removes it from the database.
    • /saveJSON (POST): Retrieves all shapes from the database and returns their data in JSON format.
    • /saveXML (GET): Retrieves all shapes from the database and returns their data in XML format.
    • /loadXML (POST): Accepts XML data, cleans the database, parses the XML to obtain shape data, and draws the shapes on the canvas.
    • **/loadJSON (POST)**: Accepts JSON data, cleans the database, parses the JSON to obtain shape data, and draws the shapes on the canvas.
    • /clean (GET): Cleans the database by removing all shapes from the database.
  2. Shape Management:
    • Shapes are represented using a Shape class, and their data is transferred between the client and server using ShapeDTO (Data Transfer Object).
    • Shapes are created and manipulated using a ShapeFactory class.
    • The Database class is responsible for storing and managing the drawn shapes.
  3. XML Serialization and Deserialization:
    • The XmlService class is used to convert a list of shape DTOs to XML format (getShapesXml) and vice versa (getShapesFromXml).
      1. Service Annotation:
        • The @Service annotation indicates that this class is a service component and is eligible for Spring's auto-detection and wiring.
      2. XML Conversion Methods:
        • convertToXml Method:
          • Takes an ArrayList<ShapeDTO> as input.
          • Uses the XmlMapper from the Jackson library to convert the list of ShapeDTO objects to an XML string.
          • Throws JsonProcessingException if an error occurs during the XML conversion.
        • convertXmlToShapes Method:
          • Takes an XML string as input.
          • Uses the XmlMapper to convert the XML string back into an ArrayList<ShapeDTO> using the TypeReference class.
          • Throws IOException if an error occurs during the XML deserialization.
  4. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS):
    • CORS is enabled to allow requests from a specific frontend origin (http://localhost:8080).
  5. This Java class Database serves as a repository for managing the state of drawn shapes in a collaborative drawing application. Let's break down some of its functionalities:
    1. Singleton Design Pattern:
      • The class follows the Singleton pattern, ensuring that only one instance of the Database is created, providing a global point of access to its functionality.
    2. DTO Conversion:
      • getDrawnShapesDTOs converts the drawn shapes into a list of ShapeDTO objects for transmission to the frontend.
  6. The ShapeFactory class acts uses Factory Design Pattern for creating instances of different shapes, promoting flexibility and encapsulation by centralizing the creation logic based on the type of shape specified in the ShapeDTO data.
  7. DrawingArea class serves as a container for managing the state of drawn shapes in your application. The Memento pattern is employed to capture and restore the state, allowing for actions like undo and redo in a drawing context.
    • DrawingArea as Originator:
      • The DrawingArea class encapsulates the state of drawn shapes.
      • It provides a takeSnapshot method to create a Memento (snapshot) of its current state.
    • DrawingMemento as Memento:
      • This inner class represents a snapshot of the DrawingArea's state.
      • It stores a copy of the drawnShapes state when created.
    • undo_stack and redo_stack as Caretaker:
      • The stacks manage the different states of the DrawingArea (Originator).
      • The undo and redo operations involve popping Mementos from one stack and pushing them onto the other.

6 Conclusion

The Paint Application harmoniously combines a well-designed object-oriented model with advanced drawing and painting features. The backend design patterns enhance the application's flexibility, maintainability, and overall user experience. With its intuitive interface and comprehensive functionality set, the application stands as a powerful tool for creative expression.

8 User How-To Guide

A- Installation Guide:


  • Ensure Java and Node.js are installed on your system.

    Backend (Spring Boot)

    1. Open the backend project in your preferred IDE.
    2. Run the Spring Boot application to start the backend server.

    Frontend (VueJS)

    1. Navigate to the front-end project directory and run the following commands:

      npm install
      npm run serve
    2. Access the application in your web browser at the localhost URL.

B- Application Guide

Video of usage: htps://







This is a drawing and painting application, assigned in the OOP and Design Patterns course in CSED.






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  • Vue 69.1%
  • Java 26.7%
  • JavaScript 3.5%
  • HTML 0.7%