This is mainly a java client for the ECC GDS and ECC GeoView.
To run the junit tests and examples, please start with URL_PREFIX
environment variables or java property like the following.
switch out username, password host and context with proper values for the user and service to test with.
switch out vesselId with id of a vessel under a distributor the user above has access to.
URL_PREFIX="https://username:password@host/context" VESSEL_ID=vesselId mvn test
% mvn package -DskipTests=true
java -cp target/gdsclient-1.0-SNAPSHOT-with-deps.jar -DURL_PREFIX="https://username:[email protected]/qaprimar" no.ecc.gdsclient.cli.Order placeOrder MYUSERID PRODUCTID 1
We have created a few examples in C# for how to utilize our soap interface in C#. It is simple examples of adding and modifying customers, vessels, placing and activating orders. These can be found here
Username, password and service link need to be set for it to work.