This is a client-side app based on the Gank website. Users can browse the website through this app.
It used SQlite3 to handle server-side database tasks, Retrofit to process the network requests (such as loading the website’s picture through API), and Material Design for UI.
For now, it realizes the function of Login&Signup and Classified Reading.
However, the speed of online pictures loading needs to be improved.
- Retrofit + Okhttp (Network request)
- Gson (Parse JSON data)
- Realm (Database Operation)
- Glide (Load pictures online)
│ └─src
│ ├─androidTest
│ ├─main
│ │ ├─java
│ │ │ └─com
│ │ │ └─elainedv
│ │ │ ├─Classification
│ │ │ ├─Gank
│ │ │ ├─Register
│ │ │ └─Utils
│ │ └─res
│ └─test