Basicmac version for SEEED LoRa-E5-mini This version of basicmac will work with the SEEED Lora-E5-HF module. The testprogram sends a test packet to TTN every 10 minutes. Edit src/LoRa_Device_01.h for your end node.
The test program in main.c sends a short data packet to TTN. After completion, the modules goes into deep sleep (shutdown). The data in the RTC back-up registers will be preserved till the wake-up. The RTC clock keeps running. Note that the RTC clock is not synchronized with the real date/time. It will start at 01-01-2023 00:00:00 after power-up.
There is a lot of debug info on serial line TX2 (PA2). The lmic messages can be eliminated by commenting out the definitions of CFG_DEBUG_VERBOSE and CFG_DEBUG in ..../IBM LMIC framework/src/hal/target-config.h. There is also a definition of "DEBUG" in the demonstration main.cpp source, which can be set to false to stop application debug output.
In deep sleep mode, the upload of the program may cause some problems. Press and hold the reset button and start the upload. As soon as the LED on the ST-Link starts to flash, release the reset button.
I have made a print for this module. It has a I2C bus to connect a sensor. The power to the I2C bus is switched by a FET to reduce current during sleep to 4.5 microAmp. The print looks like this: