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Steps to undertake the monthly update of PA statistics:
- Run the PACT python script;
- QC the results using the PACT-QC python script (yet to be made);
- Copy values from the 'global_summary_statistics' output table from the PACT script into the global summary working doc in this repo.;
- Format the global results in the summary working doc as per the instructions;
- Copy these formatted global results into the global reporting template;
- Copy the national results into the national reporting template;
- Send the Informatics team the global and national reporting stats for the month.
Future ideas of things to embed/test: In python we're no longer limited to one iterator - so can we use multiple for/list loops to process the countries/pame together and-or faster? how to speed it up even more? test the windows timed activity ability to run this at a specified interval / embed the ability to test when the WDPA is updated or changed? - e.g. full automation. maximise the types of tabular/statistical outputs that are made - e.g. timeseries, gov types etc. Make and then automate the QC checks for the global, national and pame stats