This is the new version of Clinic Helper, now written on ruby on rails
- Rails 5
- ruby 2.3.1
- Gentelella 1.1.0
- Install PostgreSQL, process varies depending to OS, version 9 and up are good
- If asked for the postgress pasword, set it to "postgres"
- Run the following command in the psql console: "CREATE USER eduardo WITH PASSWORD 'welc0me' CREATEDB' (The user and pass may change in the future)
- If you are on linux, install rbenv and set it up to use ruby 2.3.1 (Google), if you are on windows, install directly ruby 2.3.1
- Clone the repository to your computer
- Open the terminal, cd into the repository folder and run 'bundle install' and then run 'rake db:setup', this will install and update all the gems, and create the database and run all the migrations.
- Open RubyMine of your favorite IDE/Editor an run 'rails s'
###Or use vagrant:
- Install vagrant and virtualbox
- vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
- vagrant plugin install vagrant-librarian-chef-nochef
- vagrant up
- vagrant ssh
- cd /vagrant
- bundle
- rake db:create && rake db:migrate
- rails s
That's it! Your app is running
Navigate to http://localhost:3000