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Generate simulations

Use the SCM class to make a seizing cortical model simulation. There are lots of options in here, but what's shown below will generate the simulations with the same parameters from Figure 1 of REF.

The property base_dir controls where the simulations are saved. The default behavior is to save everything in a folder called 'SCM' in the current working directory (~/SCM). The full state of the simulation is saved at 1 s intervals in files with names like


where NN represents the simulation number (SCM.sim_num) and TTT is the starting time of the segment. The simulated MEA data (the small subregion of the simulation that mimics an MEA recording) is saved to


where PP indicates the duration of the pre- and post-ictal periods (SCM.padding). In both naming schemes, LABEL is any string value (SCM.label).

Figure 1A: A fixed source simulation (no ictal wavefront)

scm = SCM('FS');

% Use the following to see where the outputs will be saved:

% Start the simulation

Figure 1E: A simulation where the fixed source location shifts midway through the seizure

% Create a fixed source simulation. Results will be saved to
% folders 'SCM' (full state of sim) and 'FS' (MEA)
scm = SCM('SW');
Some other methods
  • show_layout(): Show the simulation layout (locations of the irritative zone, fixed sources, MEA, and IW source)
  • rotate(theta): Rotate the locations of fixed and IW sources by angle theta about the center of the simulation
  • Preview(show_layout=false): Generates a set of figures with panels showing excitatory firing rates (Qe) and potassium (K) states at each save point (defaults to every 1 second; controlled by parameter t_step)

Load MEA data

Assumes that the MEA data is stored in a .mat file with the following fields:

BadChannels                 18x1                        144  double              
Data                   1875001x96                 360000192  int16               
Duration                     1x1                          8  double              
Map                         10x10                       800  double              
Padding                      1x2                         16  double              
Patient                      1x2                          4  char                
Position                    96x2                       1536  double              
SamplingRate                 1x1                          8  double              
Seizure                      1x1                          2  char                
Time                         1x1875001              7500004  single              
mea = MEA(<path_to_mea_file>);

Identify ictal wavefronts

iw = mea.IW();

Estimate traveling wave directions

The following will save the wave direction estimates to a folder called WaveFits in your current directory (~/WaveFits). The D-method can take a long time to run, so we have provided a helper script (d10_helper.m) that runs the analysis in segments. This allows you to pick up where you left off if your run is interrupted. To do so, simply keep re-running d10_helper; (with the same mea data) until the analysis is complete.

mea = MEA(<path_to_mea_file>);
s = mkdir(['WaveFits/' mea.Name]);

% M-method direction estimatees
times = mea.get_discharge_times('lfp_cross');
M = mea.max_descent(times, 'halfwin', 0.05);
save(fullfile('WaveFits', mea.Name, 'M'), 'M');

% D-method direction estimates
% This method is slow so we recommend using the helper script (shown below)
step = 0.1;
times = mea.Time(1):step:mea.Time(end);
D = mea.delays(times, ...
        'halfwin', 5, 'fband', [1 13], 'minfreq', 3);
save(fullfile('WaveFits', mea.Name, 'D'), 'D');

% D-method alternative
  % if this is interrupted, reinstantiate `mea` and run `d10_helper` again.

Identify intervals with stable traveling wave directions

% Load pre-saved discharge arrival times
M = load('WaveFits/P1_Seizure1/M.mat').M;
intervals = M.stable_intervals();
scatter(intervals.time, intervals.dir_trend, [], intervals.phase_num);


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  • MATLAB 77.3%
  • M 22.7%