GSoC 2021 project with Red Hen Lab. I want to improve the clustering algorithm to the in-production code and enhance the previous work. The main problem is to find the correct anchor. Currently, the most time-consuming process in the program is going frame by frame and extracting faces. The face-recognition method used in the production code processes each frame individually. I want to upgrade it to a parallelized algorithm to process multiple frames in a batch and increase the processing speed exponentially, which will also help in faster testing of hyperparameters. Batch processing can be much quicker than processing single images at a time. So I think we use batch processing for multi-threading. More information about the project statement can be found here.
Mentors: Anna Wilson, Francis Steen, Frankie Robertson
Blog detailing the research and working can be found at
- Clone the repo to your machine
git clone
- Install the required python packages using either of these commands
pip install numpy pandas matplotlib opencv-python scikit-learn face_recognition wikipedia ffmpeg traceback2
- Download the anchors-encodings pickle and place it in this location.
- Download the IMDB Datasets and place it in this location.
- Navigate to Show-Segmentation-2021/final_usable_code/
cd Show-Segmentation-2021/final_usable_code
- takes 3 inputs, the path to the input video, path to the output location and a flag --verbose.
python3 path/to/input/video.mp4 path/to/store/output --verbose
- Make sure that the input video's name follows RedHenLab's Tv dataset's format. Here's an example
**This is for those using the singularity image (segmentation_production.simg) on the CWRU HPC Cluster.
- Connect to the CWR VPN.
- Login to the cluster using your CWR ID and your credentials. Example:
- Navigate to the project's location on the cluster.
cd /mnt/rds/redhen/gallina/Singularity/Show-Segmentation-2021/final_usable_code
- Request a computing node using
srun --mem=16gb --pty /bin/bash
- Load singularity 2.5.1 to your environment using
module load singularity
- I have made for testing and for final production. After setup, read the Testing section or the Production section according to the requirement.
- is made to work on a single video file. It takes 3 inputs (in this order)
(where the output will be stored)--verbose
(an optional flag which will make the program print progress statements like 'done extracting faces', 'done clustering faces' etc.)
- The main command is of the form
singularity exec -B /mnt../show-segementation-2021_latest.sif python3 {INPUT_VIDEO_PATH} {OUTPUT_PATH} {--verbose}
- The Tv dataset is present at
, we can take some video file from this as our input. - An example command for the file
singularity exec -B /mnt../show-segementation-2021_latest.sif python3 /mnt/rds/redhen/gallina/tv/1998/1998-01/1998-01-01/1998-01-01_0000_US_00019495_V3_VHS50_MB20_H17_WR.mp4 mnt/path/to/output/directory --verbose
- is made to work recursively on all the video files present in
and store the outputs in/mnt/rds/redhen/gallina/Singularity/Show-Segmentation-2021/TvSplit_2
flag mentioned earlier is set to False by default for production.- Run the script using
Please raise an issue if you run into any errors.
If possible, replace the current celeb detection method with Azure’s Computer Vision service.
Currently the most time consuming process in the program is that of going frame by frame and extracting faces. This can be speed up using multi-threading or any other means possible.
Explore the dataset that contains news shows with anchors and include it in the pipeline.
Shows with single or a few episodes can just be dropped to improve precision at the expense of recall.