This module provisions the resources necessary to run a (docker) application in an Auto Scaling Group (ASG) of EC2 instances. This module should be production ready. This module is available in the terraform registry
What? Deploys, manages and destroys the AWS resources necessary to run applications in an Auto Scaling Group of EC2 instances
Why? Auto Scaling Groups enable the infrastructure to be adjusted to the application load. Re-usable module.
How? This module deploys all stacks of the required infrastructure. To run an application on the infrastructure, it is necessary to provide a deployment script for the containerized application.
To use this module, it is advised to carefully follow these instructions:
Create a repository for your project
mkdir my-app; cd my-app
Create and edit
:module "terraform-aws-asg" { source = "../../module" aws-region = "eu-west-1" aws-profile = "your-aws-profile" user-data-script = "path-to-deployment-script" instance-key-name = "ssh-key" asg-min-size = "2" asg-max-size = "5" asg-def-size = "2" }
Provision the infrastructure (and deploy the app on instance start):
terraform init; terraform apply --auto-approve
Case you change any part of the infrastructure, repeat step 3).
To tear down the infrastructure, run
terraform init; terraform destroy --auto-approve
when changing region - can not migrate load-balancer
- this issue is currently open on:
Multiple concurrent deployments mya lead to issues with the terraform state lock, creating a race condition and possibly stale deployments;
Once Cloudfront is set up, tearing it down will cause downtime;
- This issue was raised in StackExchange, and there is thorough answer with very useful advice.
New deployments follow Blue/Green approach. A new Auto Scaling Group is created on every deployments. The teardown of the old ASG takes a long time (approx. 7 minutes).
In order to trigger a new deployment, the user-data script must change (even a newline is enough)
This module is a "all-in-one" solution for the Web Products infrastructure. Terraform advices against this, and recommends a modular approach (similar to what you would do with React on the FrontEnd).
The Amazon Machine Image (AMI) lookup is limited to Amazon Linux.
Below is a simplified and complete list of the AWS resources deployed.
The simplified stack:
- Compute
- EC2 instances
- Scale
- Auto Scaling Group
- Load Balancer
- Security
- Security Groups for instances
- Security Groups for load balancer
- Domain (optional)
- domain name
The complete stack:
- Compute
- EC2 instances
- Scale
- Auto Scaling Group
- ASG attachment (to load balancer)
- EC2 launch configuration
- Load Balancers
- Load balancer
- LB Target Group
- LB listener
- Network
- Virtual Private Cloud
- Subnets (Public)
- Internet Gateway
- Routing
- route tables
- route table associations (to subnet)
- Security Groups
- for instances
- for load balancer
- Domain (optional)
- Route53 record
Simplified illustration of the deployed stack:
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
alb-name | The application Load Balancer name | string | "app-load-balancer-w-terraform" |
no |
asg-def-size | The default/recommended size of the Auto Scaling Group | string | "3" |
no |
asg-max-size | The maximum size of the Auto Scaling Group | string | "4" |
no |
asg-min-size | The minimum size of the Auto Scaling Group | string | "2" |
no |
asg-name | The name of the Auto Scaling Group | string | "ASG-created-with-terraform" |
no |
aws-profile | The name of the AWS shared credentials account. | string | n/a | yes |
aws-region | The AWS region | string | n/a | yes |
cfd_default_max_ttl | The maximum TTL of the default cache behaviour | string | "86400" |
no |
cfd_default_regular_ttl | The (regular) TTL of the default cache behaviour | string | "3600" |
no |
cfd_ordered_max_ttl | The maximum TTL of the ordered cache behaviour(es) | string | "86400" |
no |
cfd_ordered_regular_ttl | The (regular) TTL of the ordered cache behaviour(es) | string | "3600" |
no |
domain-name | The apps public domain name | string | "" |
no |
emergency-contact | The apps public sub domain name | string | "" |
no |
environment | The environment (production/staging) | string | "staging" |
no |
git-hash | The apps public sub domain name | string | "" |
no |
health-check-path | The apps public sub domain name | string | "/" |
no |
health-check-port | The apps public sub domain name | string | "80" |
no |
health_check_grace_period | Time (in seconds) after instance comes into service before checking health. | string | "3" |
no |
health_check_interval | The interval between health checks | string | "5" |
no |
health_check_threshold | The number of consecutive health checks to be considered (un)healthy. | string | "3" |
no |
iam-role-name | The IAM role to assign to the instance | string | "" |
no |
ig-tag-name | The name to apply to the Internet gateway tag | string | "aws-ig-created-with-terraform" |
no |
instance-ami | The AMI (Amazon Machine Image) that identifies the instance | string | "ami-01419b804382064e4" |
no |
instance-associate-public-ip | Defines if the EC2 instance has a public IP address. | string | "true" |
no |
instance-key-name | The name of the SSH key to associate to the instance. Note that the key must exist already. | string | "" |
no |
instance-tag-name | instance-tag-name | string | "EC2-instance-created-with-terraform" |
no |
instance-type | The instance type to be used | string | "t2.micro" |
no |
launch-config-name | The name of the launch configuration | string | "launch-configuration-created-with-terraform" |
no |
owner | The apps public sub domain name | string | "" |
no |
placement-group-name | The name of the placement group | string | "placement-group-created-w-terraform" |
no |
product | The apps public sub domain name | string | "" |
no |
project | The apps public sub domain name | string | "" |
no |
s3_bucket_for_cloudfront_logs | The name of the S3 bucket that holds the cloudfront logs | string | "" |
no |
sg-alb-tag-name | The name of the SG associated with the ALB | string | "SG-to-theapp-load-balancer-with-terraform" |
no |
sg-tag-name | The Name to apply to the security group | string | "SG-created-with-terraform" |
no |
ssh-allowed-ips | The list of IPs that are allowed to SSH into the instances | list | <list> |
no |
ssl_certificate_arn | The ARN of the SSL certificate for the load-balancer | string | "" |
no |
sub-domain-name | The apps public sub domain name | string | "" |
no |
subnet-1-cidr-block | The CIDR block to associate to the subnet | string | "" |
no |
subnet-2-cidr-block | The CIDR block to associate to the subnet | string | "" |
no |
subnet-tag-name | The Name to apply to the VPN | string | "VPN-created-with-terraform" |
no |
target-group-name | The name of the placement group | string | "lb-tg" |
no |
use_cloudfront | If true, will create a CFD distribution | string | "false" |
no |
use_https_only | If true, forces all http traffic to https | string | "false" |
no |
user-data-script | The filepath to the user-data script, that is executed upon spinning up the instance | string | "" |
no |
vpc-cidr-block | The CIDR block to associate to the VPC | string | "" |
no |
vpc-tag-name | The Name to apply to the VPC | string | "VPC-created-with-terraform" |
no |
Name | Description |
domain-cloudfront-distribution | The public domain of the cloudfront distribution |
domain-load-balancer | The public domain of the load-balancer |
Consider the addition of CloudFront Distribution (CFD) to serve as a Content Distribution Network (CDN). -
Consider the usage of Spot Instances to reduce costs.
Assert that code changes are reflected on the app running on AWS.- this is live from version v1.0.5 onwards, as long as the user-data script changes.
Consider moving the instances to a private subnet.- this is live from version v1.0.5 onwards
changing the AWS region requires changing the machine AMI.- this was fixed from version v1.0.6 onwards, but it is limited to the use of Amazon Linux only
add tagging utilities- this is fixed from version v1.0.7 onwards, trought the use of the locals
- add outputs