A package for checking validity of AWS SAM templates. Tools exist to validate these templates on a basic level (YAML format etc) but typos in property names etc are costly as they are easily missed and you won't know until stack build time.
You can see how wanting the basic tools are:
aws cloudformation validate-template --template-body file://samples/invalid/template-invalid-lambda-type.yml
sam validate -t samples/invalid/template-invalid-lambda-type.yml
...which both report the template with an invalid property name as being invalid.
The package does a number of things so far:
- Checks the
section for each resource to ensure the property names are valid. - Check the
section for each resource to ensure any required properties are present.
The codebase comes with a config.json
file that specifies patterns to extract AWS resources according to a naming convention. If you want to supply your own config, supply that as the second argument to the command, for example:
cloudcheck --path=<template> --config=<config_path>
- Install cfn-flip which is a Python command that flips a YAML template into a JSON version.
- Run
npm install
. - Run
npm link
cloudcheck --path=samples/invalid/template-invalid-transform.json
cloudcheck --path=samples/valid/template.yml
cloudcheck --path=samples/invalid/template-invalid-sqs-prop1.yml
cloudcheck --path=samples/invalid/template-invalid-sqs-prop2.yml
cloudcheck --path=samples/invalid/template-invalid-sqs-type.yml
cloudcheck --path=samples/invalid/template-invalid-cloudwatch-prop1.yml
cloudcheck --path=samples/invalid/template-invalid-cloudwatch-prop2.yml
cloudcheck --path=samples/invalid/template-invalid-cloudwatch-type.yml
cloudcheck --path=samples/invalid/template-invalid-lambda-prop1.yml
cloudcheck --path=samples/invalid/template-invalid-lambda-prop2.yml
cloudcheck --path=samples/invalid/template-invalid-lambda-type.yml
cloudcheck --path=samples/invalid/template-invalid-lambda-missing-prop.yml
- Extend support to other AWS resource types
- Add more tests