Purpose: Provide capabilities for password management at Eckerd College, through forgot password and change password for current students and employees.
This application is configured through environmental variables loaded at runtime.
These variables are necessary and the program will fail to execute without their
presence. They are located at src/main/scala/edu/eckerd/alterpass/Configuration.scala
- Oracle Host to Connect to.
- Port at which the ORACLE_SID can be found
- Database Identifier
- Oracle Database User with correct read permissions on GOREMAL
to connect with
- Oracle Password for the User
The above are necessary for the Hikari Connection Pool to communicate with Banner via jdbc.
The ojdbc7.jar will need to be provided in the lib/
folder in this directory as an unmanaged dependency as
it is not open source.
- Google Domain Being Managed
- Service Account for Connecting as, with appropriate Google API permissions for
User Management. As consistent with google's AdminDirectory
- This is the administrator account for impersonation with User level permissions for
managing the Google Domain.
- This is a file provided by google
- Application name indicated for API access.
This is required for google-api-scala
which communicates with the Google API's to handle changes in Google.
- This is the path to the folder into which the SqlLite Database alterpass.db
will be placed.
User Requires Write Access to the Folder.
This is the path the aging file is written to, it is transferred to a secondary server outside of
the current scope of the application to handle password aging.
- LDAP host to connect to.
- This is the base DN for searching within.
- This is the attribute that the username entered is checked against for bind, and existence.
- The LDAP administrative user.
- The LDAP administrative user password.
- SMTP Server to Send Mail Via
- User to Send Mail As
- User Password for Sending Mail
- The Forgot Password Email Link to Be Rendered when sending the email.
Allows backend to run at any location, and for the email to handle the redirection as necessary.
This is the base uri/link without the additional path segments.
OJDBC - REQUIRED - As stated previously this is a closed source component and needs to be added. It needs to be placed in the
folder. It can be found on the
Oracle site.
Google P12 - REQUIRED - Google Provides a connection file which is used for API access. This needs to be present.
Default location assumes /opt/alterpass/conf/alterpass.p12
Images - This site makes use of some static binary image content that needs to be placed at
. Without these the backgrounds will be bland, and a broken image link will appear, but
will function equivalently, as images are graphical aides only.
Fonts - Eckerd College Utilizes Proprietary Fonts and as a result these font files need to be placed in
. Without these it will not appear identical but will function equivalently.
- Execute
- Add Users with access to alterpass group.
- Add files listed above to acceptable locations.
- Fill out
with appropriate variables.
- The home for these files is on morpheus in