Circuit K is a Python-based application that provides solutions for AC and DC RLC circuits in the time domain. This is achieved through the use of Modified Nodal Analysis (MNA) and the Trapezoid rule. The application features a user-friendly interface created with tkinter and leverages Matplotlib for plotting and Schemdraw for circuit visualization.
Modified Nodal Analysis (MNA):
- Circuit K employs MNA for analyzing AC and DC RLC circuits in the time domain.
Trapezoid Rule:
- The Trapezoid rule is utilized for accurate time domain circuit analysis.
Circuit Drawing:
- Users can easily draw circuits using the integrated Schemdraw library.
- Circuit K supports plotting of branch and node voltages and currents for better visualization.
Export to CSV:
- All relevant data, including voltages and currents, can be exported as CSV files for further analysis.
User Interface (UI):
- The application features a user-friendly interface built with tkinter, ensuring ease of use.
Plotting Libraries:
- Matplotlib is employed for high-quality graphical representations of circuit parameters.
Circuit Drawing Library:
- Schemdraw is integrated for drawing and customizing circuit schematics.