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Roman Trüb edited this page Jul 9, 2021 · 12 revisions

DPP2 SX1262 LoRa ComBoard

Hardware components

  • COM Processor: STM32L433CCU6 ARM Cortex M4 microcontroller (datasheet, ref. manual)
    • Flash memory: 256 KB
  • Radio Chip: Semtech SX1262 868 MHz LoRa transceiver (datasheet)
    • Tx Power: up to +22 dBm
  • BOLT: TI MSP430FR5969 MCU (BOLT)
  • RF shield
  • COM processor oscillators:
    • HFXT: 12 MHz
    • LFXT: 32.768 kHz
  • Radio oscillator:
    • default: 32 MHz XT
    • optional 32 MHz TCXO (not installed)
  • Schematics (PCB design)

Note: In order to work with the DPP2LoRa COM board, it needs to be stacked onto an application board (e.g. the DevBoard. Stack the COM board onto the application board and fix it with appropriate hardware (spacer, screw, nut).

Example Code

  • A basic blink LED code example (bare metal) can be found in our repository.
  • More code is available in the Flora repository.

Compilation & IDE

We use the STM32CubeIDE software from to develop and compile code for the SX126x platform.

Compiled binary is located in the Debug directory of the project root after build.

Convert .elf to .hex

objcopy -O ihex input.elf output.hex

Programming the MCU (Flashing)

There are 2 options:

SWD Programming

  • Note: A DPP DevBoard is required to connect a debugger to the SX126x COM board.
  • Note: Only the SWD protocol is supported on the DevBoard. JTAG is not supported on the DPP2 DevBoard.
  • Make sure that the small 10-pin COM JTAG connector (highlighted in red in the image below) is installed, solder it if necessary.

The jumpers on the DevBoard VCC header can either be as shown above or with an additional jumper at the marker 'B'.

  • Software: Programming with a debugger hardware is integrated into the STM32CubeIDE development IDE.
    • In order to use the Segger J-Link for debugging, the target configuration needs to be adjusted. In STM32CubeIDE, go to project settings > C/C++ Build > Settings. Select the MCU (STM32L433CC) in the tab Target Settings and apply the changes. Then go to Run/Debug Settings and click edit. In the tab Debugger, make sure SWD is selected as interface (since JTAG is not supported on the DPP2 DevBoard).
  • Hardware: Programming is supported and tested with Segger J-Link debuggers:

BSL Programming

  • Note: A DPP DevBoard is required to connect the micro-USB cable to the COM board.
  • Hardware
    • If you want to be able to program the MCU via USB (UART bootloader), then connect pin 7 of COM_JTAG and pin 7 of the DEBUG header with a jumper wire (as shown below).

      In addition, make sure that the solder jumpers J500, J501, J502 and J503 on the backside of the DevBoard are closed (see below).

  • Software
    1. Install the following python packages: python3 -m pip install pyserial intelhex stm32loader
    2. Get the STM32 programming script. The script runs on Linux, but may need some adjustment on a Windows machine.
    3. In order to flash a binary to the STM32L4 MCU on the DPP2LoRa COM board use the following command:
      ./ <path to .hex or .elf>
      The script should automatically choose the right serial port. If you have more than one board connected, then you need to specify the serial port manually as a second argument.

Power profiling

DevBoard: Notice that when using this ComBoard together with the DPP DevBoard, BOLT_VCC (VCC Select Pin 6) and COM_VCC (VCC Select Pin 8) are connected on the ComBoard. Therefore, for power measurements of the ComBoard, both jumpers (C and B) must be disconnected.

FlockLab: The boards that are available as targets on FlockLab (DPP2LoRa and DPP2LoRaHG) have the resistor R200 (see schematic) placed with a 220 Ohm part (measured on a single board). Therefore, it is essential that Pin PB.3 (COM_GPIO2) is not left floating, as this can lead to significant observable leakage currents up to 50mA. Similarly, Pin PH.3 (COM_GPIO1) should not be used and always remain cleared, as FlockLab is actively driving it low because it is connected to TARGETx_PROG.

Pin mapping (STM32L433)

GPIO Name Mapping/Function on DevBoard Mapping/Function on FlockLab
PA0 COM_IND BOLT indication line (input) FLOCKLAB_SIG1 (actuation input)
PA3 COM_TREQ BOLT time request (input) FLOCKLAB_INT1 (tracing output)
PA4 APP_IND BOLT output queue indication line (input) FLOCKLAB_SIG2 (actuation input)
PA9 COM_TXD Serial logging and BSL programming (input) Serial logging and BSL programming
PA10 COM_RXD Serial logging and BSL programming (output) Serial logging and BSL programming
PA13 COM_PROG2 Pin #9 on debug header (input or output) FLOCKLAB_LED3 (tracing output)
PA14 COM_PROG SWCLK (target programming via SWD) FLOCKLAB_LED1 (tracing output)
PA15 RFDIO1 n/a FLOCKLAB_LED2 (tracing output)
PB3 COM_GPIO2 Pin #8 on debug header (input or output) FLOCKLAB_LED2 (tracing output)
PH3 COM_GPIO1 Pin #7 on debug header (input or output) BSL entry pin

Recommended pin configuration (STM32L433)

GPIO Assigned name, function Recommended config
PA0 COM_IND, BOLT input queue indicator Input
PA1 Unused Analog
PA2 Unused (test point) Analog
PA3 COM_TREQ, BOLT time request line Input with pulldown
PA4 APP_IND, BOLT output queue indicator Input
PA5 COM_SCK, BOLT SPI serial clock Module function (on FlockLab: output low)
PA6 COM_MISO, BOLT SPI master input Module function (on FlockLab: output low)
PA7 COM_MOSI, BOLT SPI master output Module function (on FlockLab: output low)
PA8 RF_RST, SX1262 radio reset line
PA9 COM_TXD, UART transmit Module function
PA10 COM_RXD, UART receive Module function
PA11 RF_BUSY, SX1262 radio busy indicator Input
PA12 RF_SW, SX1262 antenna switch on/off Output
PA15 RF_DIO1, SX1262 radio DIO1 pin Input
PB0 COM_ACK, BOLT acknowledgement line Input (on FlockLab: with pulldown)
PB1 COM_REQ, BOLT request line Output low
PB2 COM_MODE, BOLT mode select Output
PB3 COM_GPIO2, GPIO pin or SWO on Flocklab: Input!
PB4 Unused Analog
PB5 Unused Analog
PB6 Unused Analog
PB7 Unused Analog
PB8 COM_LED2, LED Output
PB9 COM_LED1, LED Output
PB10 Unused Analog
PB11 Unused Analog
PB12 RF_NSS, SX1262 radio SPI slave select Module function or output
PB13 RF_SCK, SX1262 radio SPI serial clock Module function
PB14 RF_MISO, SX1262 radio SPI master input Module function
PB15 RF_MOSI, SX1262 radio SPI master output Module function
PC13 Connected to PA15 Input
PC14 LFXT_IN, 32kHz crystal oscillator OSC32_IN
PC15 LFXT_OUT, 32kHz crystal oscillator OSC32_OUT
PH0 HFXT_IN, 12MHz crystal oscillator OSC_IN
PH1 HFXT_IN, 12MHz crystal oscillator OSC_OUT
PH3 COM_GPIO1, GPIO pin or BOOT0 -

Hardware patches for rev1.1

Hardware patch for Baseboard

In order to program the LoRa ComBoard on the Baseboard, a minor hardware patch is required. Connect the pins 18 and 22 of the board-to-board connector with a resistor (~1k ohm):

Hardware patch for FlockLab

Before installing a DPP2 LoRa comboard on a FlockLab observer, the following patch needs to be applied:

  • make sure the resistor R200 is removed
  • connect PA15 with COM_GPIO1 via a 220 ohm resistor. You can do that by using a 0603 sized resistor and placing it such that one pad of R200 is connected with one pad of R201 as shown in the photo below.

Serial Output (UART)

Initial Setup

  1. Assemble SX126x COM board and DPP DevBoard
  2. Make sure hardware is ready for SWD and BSL programming (see above)
  3. Flash blink LED test application (see above)
  4. Make sure BOLT is flashed with default image.
  5. Make sure deepsleep image is flashed to APP processor on the DPP DevBoard