This repository contains the semantic and syntactic verb lexeme from Arian Verheij's 1999 study on the Hebrew verb stems ("binyanim"): Verheij, A.J.C. Bits, Bytes, and Binyanim. Leuven: Peeters, 1999.
The intention of this repository is to make the data more easily accessible. Part of that goal is to convert these features into Text-Fabric annotations.
The data has been pulled from its original source via File Transfer Protocol (FTP) from
begin of file verbdata.doc -- information on the file verbdata.bbb
A.J.C. Verheij <[email protected]> February 1999
The file
contains the main data base used in
A.J.C. Verheij
Bits, Bytes, and Binyanim -- A Quantitative Study of
Verbal Lexeme Formations in the Hebrew Bible
OLA ???, Leuven, Peeters, 1999 ????
You are free to use these data provided that adequate references
are given in any publication that might ensue.
You are free to make a local copy of this file under a different
name and modify it.
You are NOT allowed to distribute a modified version of this file
under its original name of verbdata.bbb.
The file verbdata.bbb is a UNIX-style ASCII file, containg
3276 lines, and
26208 strings of non-spaces.
Size: 190920 bytes
Checksum (System V): 19219
The file verbdata.bbb contains data on the 3276 verbal lexemes of the
Hebrew Bible. Each line holds one record, consisting of 8 fields.
As an example, here are the first and last lines:
>BD 01_qal rcat=3wk dyn=y tl=y ag=n tr=n tok=119
TRGM 06_puccal rcat=3st dyn=y tl=y ag=n tr=n tok=1
The fields that make up one record are the following (illustrated
with their realizations in the first line of the example above):
The first field of a record holds the root of the verbal lexeme.
The root is written in the transliteration of WIT-BHS, the
Werkgroep Informatica Text based on Biblia Hebraica
Stuttgartensia. The transliteration scheme is the following:
> B G D H W Z X V J K L M N S < P Y Q R F C T
The equal sign `=' (not in the example) is used to distinguish
For further details on WIT-BHS, see A.J.C. Verheij,
Grammatica Digitalis I. The Morphological Code in the
``Werkgroep Informatica'' Computer Text of the Hebrew Bible.
Applicatio 11. Amsterdam, VU University Press, 1994.
01_qal BINYAN
The second field holds the binyan of the lexeme. The leading
number (in this case, `01_') serves sorting purposes.
The binyanim that occur in the data base are the following:
01_qal 10_pulpal 19_nupocal 28_hutpacel
02_pqal 11_pecalcal 20_nipaccel 29_hitpocel
03_pocel 12_pucalcal 21_nupaccel 30_hitpaccel
04_pocal 13_ifcal 22_nipaclel 31_hutpaccal
05_piccel 14_hifcil 23_tifcal 32_hitpaclel
06_puccal 15_hofcal 24_tipaccel 33_hitpalpal
07_paclel 16_nifcal 25_itpocel 34_hitpcalcal
08_puclal 17_nufcal 26_itpaccal 35_nitpacal
09_pilpel 18_nipocel 27_hitpacel
The first and second field, taken together, constitute the
verbal lexeme (root + binyan).
The third field specifies the morphological category of the root
(`rcat'). The expression `=3wk' means that the root is seen as a
triconsonantal root with a weak consonant in it. The expressions
used in the data base are:
3st 3wk hol gem
The fourth field specifies whether the verbal lexeme is dynamic
(`dyn'). The expression `=y' means that such is considered to be
the case. The alternative expression `=n' means that it is not
considered to be the case.
The fifth field specifies whether the verbal lexeme is telic
(`tl'). For the expression `=y', see above under Dynamicity.
The sixth field specifies whether the Subject of the lexeme
is considered to be an Agent (`ag'). For the expression `=n',
see above under Dynamicity.
The seventh field specifies whether the lexeme is transitive,
(`tr') which depends on its being attested in the Hebrew Bible
with a Direct Object. For the expression `=n', see above under
The eighth field specifies the token frequency (`tok') of the
lexeme as a lexical type, i.e., the number of times that the
lexeme occurs in the Hebrew Bible.
end of file verbdata.doc -- information on the file verbdata.bbb