Learn more about a scientific field. Paperweight allows you to simply paste in an RIS file of publications (exportable from Scopus), and find keywords and topic modelling analysis to help you discover more about the field.
The app is in two parts, a Rails 5.2 interface with postgres database for the main app, and a Flask app with Python 3 and rake-ntlk for natural language processing
Available at https://github.com/ESHackathon/paperweight.git
bundle install
yarn install
rails db:create db:migrate
rails s
Find the repo here... https://github.com/ESHackathon/paperweight-python.git
Parsing the keywords and data science stuff is done in Python, run the flask app (from https://github.com/ESHackathon/paperweight-python.git) and place the local address in the flask.rb
Fire up the flask app with...
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m spacy download en
export FLASK_APP=server.py
flask run