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EOxElements: Your Building Blocks for Geospatial UI Development

Workshop Duration: 2 hours


The goal of this workshop is to introduce participants to EOxElements and provide hands-on experience in using it to create web-based geospatial applications, specifically focusing on accessing and working with STAC (SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog). Additionally, the workshop will introduce eodash, an open-source library that simplifies orchestrating EOxElements and working with STAC catalogs.


  • Participants should bring their own laptops.
  • Basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Familiarity with geospatial concepts (optional but beneficial).

Workshop Outline:

0. Introduction and Setup (15 minutes)

  1. Welcome and Overview (5 minutes)

    • Introduction to the speaker.
    • Overview of what will be covered in the workshop.
    • Brief introduction to STAC and its relevance in geospatial data management.
  2. Setup (10 minutes)

    • Guide participants to install necessary tools and libraries:
      • Ensure everyone has a modern web browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox).
      • Basic setup of a local web server (e.g., using http-server or similar tool).
      • Clone the workshop repository or download the necessary files.

I. Understanding EOxElements (15 minutes)

  1. Introduction to EOxElements Components (5 minutes)

    • Overview of the key components provided by EOxElements (e.g., layout, map, layer control, etc.).
    • Explanation of the functionalities of each component and how they interact.
    • Examples of use cases where these components can be effectively utilized.

    📖 Have a look at the Introduction!

  2. Introduction to Custom Elements (Web Components) and Their Benefits (5 minutes)

    • Briefly explain the concept of custom elements (web components) and their role in modern web development.
    • Discuss the benefits of using web components, such as encapsulation, reusability, and interoperability.
    • Highlight how EOxElements leverages custom elements to provide a modular and maintainable codebase.
  3. Exploring Documentation and Examples (5 minutes)

    • Show participants where to find the official documentation and examples.
    • Walk through a basic example to demonstrate how EOxElements works.

    🖼️ See the EOxElements Documentation and Examples.

II. Hands-On Session: Building a Simple Map Application (70 minutes)

Here's a preview of what the end result of the hands-on session will look like!

The following sections will guide the participants through the individual steps to achieve the end result.

  1. Creating a Basic Layout (5 minutes)

    • Guide participants through creating a simple HTML file.
    • Include necessary EOxElements scripts and styles.
    • Initialize a basic layout using EOxElements components (eox-layout and eox-layout-item).

    💻 Follow along in section 01.

  2. Creating a Basic Map (10 minutes)

    • Initialize a basic map using eox-map.

    💻 Follow along in section 02.

  3. Adding Advanced Layers (10 minutes)

    • Demonstrate how to add different types of layers (e.g., STAC, WMTS from Capabilities).

    💻 Follow along in section 03.

  4. Interactivity and Controls (15 minutes)

    • Introduce eox-layercontrol and show how to customize its appearance and behavior.
    • Show how to configure layer properties (e.g., visibility, opacity).

    💻 Follow along in section 04.

  5. Filtering and Selecting Items based on STAC Data (15 minutes)

    • Introduce eox-itemfilter and show how to customize its appearance and behavior, and let the map react to a selection.
    • Demonstrate how to access a STAC collection manually.

    💻 Follow along in section 05.

  6. Accessing and Displaying STAC Data (15 minutes)

    • Show how to fetch and parse STAC metadata using eox-stacinfo.
    • Guide participants through the process of displaying STAC metadata in the provided slots.

    💻 Follow along in section 06.

III. Introduction to eodash (5 minutes)

  • Overview of eodash and its functionalities.
  • Demonstrate how eodash simplifies the process of accessing and displaying STAC data.
  • Show examples of using eodash out-of-the-box features for geospatial applications.

IV. Q&A and Wrap-Up (15 minutes)

  1. Q&A Session (10 minutes)

    • Open the floor for participants to ask questions about EOxElements, STAC catalogs, eodash, troubleshooting, and best practices.
    • Provide solutions to common issues that may have arisen during the hands-on session.
  2. Wrap-Up and Next Steps (5 minutes)

    • Summarize the key takeaways from the workshop.
    • Provide additional resources for learning more about EOxElements, STAC, eodash, and geospatial web development.
    • Encourage participants to continue experimenting and building with EOxElements and eodash.

Materials Provided:

  • This workshop repository with step-by-step instructions.
  • Links to documentation, examples, and additional resources.



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