UDP-/TCP-Server and Client to test how many packets can be transmitted and received over your Network. In the current version the main focus was to use the RIO-Networkfunctions on Windows 8, Windows Server 2012 and above.
IPPerfTest.exe -P UDP -L -p 3000 -w 0 -T 1 -l 64 [-N] [-C]
IPPerfTest.exe -P UDP -S <Server-IP> -s 3000 -w 0 -T 2 -l 64 [-N] [-C]
IPPerfTest.exe -P UDP -L -p 3000 -w 1 -T 1 -l 64 -t 2 [-N] [-C]
IPPerfTest.exe -P UDP -S <Server-IP> -s 3000 -w 1 -T 2 -l 64 -t 2 [-N] [-C]
IPPerfTest.exe -h
THB-IPPerf, IPPerf (20190814)
Usage: IPPerfTest.exe [ -d ] [ -P TCP|UDP ] [ -L IP address ] [ -p port ] [ -S Target-Server ] [ -s Target-Serverport ] [ , ... ] ]
IPPerfTest.exe [ -h ]
General options:
-h Show this page.
-V Show version and compile-time options and exit.
-P Use UDP or TCP as Protocol.
-L Bind to the specified IP address.
-p Listen on the specified port.
-S Operate in client-Mode and send packets to Server IP.
-s Remote-Server-Port.
-n Send number of Packets.
-l Packetsize in 64Byte steps.
-w Windowsize, how many Data-Packet can be sent without an Ack-Packet, 0=disabled.
-t Receive-Timeout in msec, default=1000msec.
-T Number of Threads to use. If not specified the number of Threads will be calculated by the number of CPUs.
-N enable Receive-Notify RIONotify will be enabled and also Check Sendresults -C.
-C Check and wait for local Sendresults.
-d Enable debug
For suggestions, critics, bugs, contact me: Erwin Herzog <[email protected]>.