Access to the Australian Bureau of Meteorology weather data.
Currently a work in progress subject to breaking changes!
The purpose of these modules is to fetch weather data from various Australian Bureau of Meteorology websites.
Fetches data from the API's at
(e.g. Parkville 3-hourly forecast).
This information has been reverse engineered from the beta website with no information about future access arrangements, content or availability.
import sys
from weather_au import api
w = api.WeatherApi(search='parkville+vic', debug=0)
location = w.location()
# check if the search produced a result (other methods will also return None if the search fails).
if location is None:
sys.exit('Search failed for location ' + loc)
print(f"\nLocation: {location['name']} {location['state']}, timezone:{location['timezone']}\n")
for warn in w.warnings():
print(f"Warning short title: {warn['short_title']}")
warning = w.warning(id=warn['id'])
print(f"Warning title: {warning['title']}")
observations = w.observations()
print(f"\nObservations (temp): {observations['temp']:2}")
forecast_rain = w.forecast_rain()
print(f"Forecast Rain: amount:{forecast_rain['amount']}, chance:{forecast_rain['chance']}")
print('\n3 Hourly:')
for f in w.forecasts_3hourly():
print(f"{f['time']} temp:{f['temp']:2}, {f['icon_descriptor']}")
from weather_au import summary
- fetch XML formatted data from the BOM FTP server.uv_index
- fetch the UV data from the XML encoded state based IDZ00107-IDZ00113
- scrape data from location based pages.
Where possible WeatherApi, should be used as it uses an API rather than scraping the web page.
from weather import place, observations, uv_index
# Parse
place_data = place.Place('vic', 'parkville')
station_id = place_data.station_id()
print('Station ID',station_id)
air_temperature = place_data.air_temperature()
print('Air Temperature', air_temperature)
forecast = place_data.forecast()
print('Forecast', forecast)
uv_data = uv_index.UvIndex('Vic')
print('\n' + uv_data.acknowedgment)
location_name = 'Melbourne'
uv_message = uv_data.uv_message(uv_data.get_aac(location_name))
print('UV Message for', location_name, uv_message)
This project is not related to or endorsed by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM).
From the BOM copyright notice: Where no terms of use are associated with a set of material, then you may download, use and copy that material for personal use, or use within your organisation but you may not supply that material to any other person or use it for any commercial purpose.
Additional examples are in the examples
- Base for anon FTP data
- Capital City Observations - VIC - Melbourne (Olympic Park)
- where
is the product, and 95936
is the weather station id.
- where
- Weather Observations - VIC - Melbourne (Olympic Park)