- added "Microbial Furnaces", "Advanced Catalysers" and "Resonating Separators" as commodity
- added missing Dataset "dsCommodities" and class "enumBindTo" to repositiory (relevant for compiling source)
- language selection (english-german-french)
- immediately autosave if data changed (prices, commodities, some settings)
- invoking crash bug fixed while OCR
- used traineddata-file vom OCR is selectable
- EDDN reactivated if language is english
- fixed commodity base for better OCR (language dependent), possibility to add new commodities if confirmed
- bug fixed while ocr notification
- recognition of levels "high/medium/low" corrected (language dependent)
- behavior of "AutoUppercase"-Checkbox corrected
- changes merged based on 1.8.4
- update-hint of original added again
- update-hint of original removed
- EDDN deactivated (please use english original due to different language dependent names)
- behavior of "clear Results" button after ocr corrected
- stateful enabling of ocr buttons
- recognition of stations: level for Levenshtein algorithm depends on the length of the name
- optimized filter-processing for screenshots before ocr (tested on commandline tesseractOCR)
- bug while procesing the results from EliteBrainerous removed
- "really" empty strings will be ignored
- level for Levenshtein algorithm depends on the length of the word
- base dictionary adapted ffor german
- optional "auto-uppercasing" saved in global settings
- added personal changelog/todo
- optional "auto-uppercasing" checkbox during ocr-correction added
- button "Ignore As Trash" during ocr-correction added
- initial version from Git-Hub