Rewrite saltstack return function,filter redundant,reduce the frequency of the write database.
Looking further down, it will be found that there is a very small part of structure that we use in this framework. Each part of role can be changed and create a customized tool according to different needs.
- 1、Script at Master listening the Salt Event. Put this script at master or syndic.
- 2、Listen to the event and insert the queues.
- 3、Worker listening the queues. Put the worker and queues at anywhere so that reduce the load of main control
- 4、It will do something and insert SQL if Worker receives a task from the queues
- If you have lots of business. Create a variety of Worker and Queue.
- You can replace the message queue according to your own needs, such as redis, RabbitMQ.
- At this script, listen the event which return the ’‘ result. As a general function, any event could be listened by modifying listener field.
- You can also replace listen as long as you identified what needs to be put into the queue, then the workers will be handled.
- Before insert the database, you can customize anything, such as send e-mail and make phone call.
- Finally, you can replace any part as long as the producer, consumer, message agent and queue are confirmed.
- CentOS 6x+
- python 2.6+
- easy_install
- pip
- celery
- redis
yum install mysql-devel
curl -o - | python
easy_install pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd src && sh control restart
- APP_DIR:The path to the log and pid files.
- QUEUES:Listen queue
- CELERY_APP:Specifying app or scripts
- CELERYD_OPTS:Process count
- redis_url: Redis IP and Port
- host: Mysql host IP
- user: Mysql username
- passwd: Mysql password
- db: Mysql database name
- port: Mysql port
We use the Supervisor to start the script. Supervisor is a client/server system that allows its users monitor and control a number of processes on UNIX-like operating systems.
Supervisor config info(salt-return-ext.cfg)
command= python script path
autostart = true
startsecs = 5
user = user
redirect_stderr = true
stdout_logfile=log file path
You can use this tool to ensure the script is running, you also can use other tools.
sh control start
sh control stop
You can see the log at celery_control.APP_DIR where you set path.
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This software is licensed under the Apache License. See the LICENSE file in the top distribution directory for the full license text.