A pseudo 3D mech simulator created with C++ and SFML
Pilot a giant robot and battle other giant robots in a pseudo 3D environment.
Repair and upgrade your mech between missions.
Carefully select upgrades and develop winning strategies in combat.
Download SFML and GCC here https://www.sfml-dev.org/download/sfml/2.5.1/
You will need 'MinGW Builds 7.3.0 (64-bit)' and SFML 'GCC 7.3.0 MinGW (SEH) - 64-bit'
For 32 bit systems you will need 'MinGW Builds 7.3.0 (32-bit)' and 'GCC 7.3.0 MinGW (DW2) - 32-bit'
Clone this repository to C:\ so the source code is present at C:\SFMechSimulator
Extract the downloaded SFML package to C:\ so SFML is present at C:\SFML-2.5.1
Run the compile_windows.bat script
Run SFMechSimulator.exe to play the game
To run the game in a window, use the command line argument '-window'
ie: 'SFMechSimulator.exe -window 1280 720'
The window cannot be smaller than 1280x720
Clone this repository.
Install g++ as described here http://www.edparrish.net/common/macgpp.php#installg++
Download SFML here https://www.sfml-dev.org/download/sfml/2.5.1/
Copy the contents of the SFML Frameworks and extlibs directories to /Library/Frameworks
Run the compile_mac.sh script
Run the SFMechSimulator executable to play the game
To run the game in a window, use the command line argument '-window'
ie: './SFMechSimulator -window 1280 720'
The window cannot be smaller than 1280x720
Clone this repository.
Install SFML, ie: 'sudo apt-get install libsfml-dev'
Run the compile_linux.sh script
Run the SFMechSimulator executable to play the game
To run the game in a window, use the command line argument '-window'
ie: './SFMechSimulator -window 1280 720'
The window cannot be smaller than 1280x720
Playing the Game
Click the 'NEW GAME' button at the main menu
Press F1 to start the tutorial
Key bindings can be reassigned by editing the bindings.list file in the game directory
All possible key aliases can be found at the following link