Warning The analytics core group is not official in any capacity (yet?) and is just an appropriate sounding name for a repository that will help keep things organized as request volume is increasing.
We are testing GitHub as a way to initiate and develop a collaborative project between your team and the UHC analytics core. Using a system such as GitHub issue will allow us to easily create intake forms, track metadata on requests, open source the problems/solutions on a single platform. Please follow the below steps to submit a issue.
GitHub is a online host for version control, project management and collaborative development. We have found it extremely useful in managing complex projects, sharing reproducible work/data and building bridges while working remotely. For academics it's premium features are completely free. You can sign up at https://github.com/join; note, try to use your real name if you can and it is encouraged to upload a profile pic.
Please click on the button below to start a intake form which will generate a GitHub issue for you. Don't forget to enter a title in your issue. Also all form inputs that have red asterisks require answers before the issue can be submitted. Please email [email protected] if you have any questions or trouble submitting an issue.