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Binary Lamp Switch Game - Crewate Binary Numbers (from 0 to 127) using Lamps :3 With each Iteration your time becomes less :3 Every 10 seconds the time gets less unless you just have 10s uwu


Controls Desktop Version

ESC - naviagte Back to menu

Arrow Keys Up/Down: Navigate Main Menu

Enter/Sapcebar: Confirm selection in main menu

ArrowK Keys Left/Right & Sapcebar/Enter: navigate in Tutorial

0...7 Number Keys: Toggle Swicthes in Single Player

Game Loop

  • The game generates a random decimal number like 42
    • You have to translate this number into binary using the lamps
    • lamp on = 1 * 2^x, lamp of = 0 * 2^x (x beeing the exponent beeing equal to the lamps number) * Note: the lamp counts from the side where the arrow is pointing to the lamp row, the arrow defines the endianess of the lamp row
  • when you have corectly replicated the number the remaining time will be added to your score
    • on every 10 iterations your time will get less, but you will always have atleast 10 seconds for a number
    • there is a actually a point where the game will end ;3


Play together to solve numbers

Supported Plattforms

Plattform Status Supported Tested
iOS Testflight ✔️ ✔️
MacOS Testflight ???
Android WIP ✔️ ✔️
Windows WIP ✔️ ✔️

Compiling for iOS

NOTE: Pls edit the build version in the project file to not be the same as the version number

Compiling for Android (apk)

NOTE: Keystore requiered


Map Generation

Pairing Lamps and Switches

Each lamp becomes a random switch assigned, one random lamps becomes a second random switch

graph TD;
	A[Lamp 1] --- B[Switch 1];
	A[Lamp 1] --- C[Switch 2];
	D[Lamp 2] --- F[Switch 3];
	E[Lamp 3] --- G[Switch 4];

Drawing Wires

  • p0': Position of the lamp lx

  • p0: Position of the lamp + padding pad1 (since we dont want the line to start in the middle of the lamp but rather bvelow the lamp)

  • p1: p0 extended on the y-axis to the assigned level fx

  • p3': Center Position of the Switch sx

  • p3: Postion of sx with padding pad2

  • p2: p3 extended on the y-axis to the assigned level fx

   columns 3
   P0 space space 
   space space space
   P0' space space 
   space space space
   P1 space P2 
   space space space
   space space P3
   space space space
   space space P3'

	P0("P0") --- P0'("P0'")
	P0'("P0'") --- P1("P1")
	P1("P1") --- P2("P2")
	P2("P2") ---P3("P3")
	P3("P3") ---P3'("P3'")

Game Options

  • Endian Switching (Changes the direction form where you have to read the number in binary)
  • Sound Settings


  • Gdoot 4.2.2

Asset Sources

Ping Sound - Pixabay

Background Sound - Pixabay

Lex Font