Doug Barry 20140924
This Arduino project allows you to connect a Wii accessory to an Arduino and through use of the UnoJoy project, make it appear as a game controller on PC and PS3. It supports the standard Wii Nunchuck including accelerometers, and the Hori FightStick released for Tatsunoko Vs Capcom.
I have used this in conjunction with x360ce on a Windows PC to play games that support the XInput system to play Ultra Street Fighter 4 and other fighting games.
What needs adding:
- Calibration routine.
- Input from other console controllers? Plenty of spare D pins.
Note: I have only tried this on an Arduino Uno R3, compiled using ArduinoIDE 1.5.7+, so YMMV. I have made some attempts to make this compatible with older versions of the Ardunio IDE, but I do not know if they will work.
Acknowledgements. This code draw inspiration and code from the following:
WiiClassic Test Code by Tim Hirzel
Nunchuck functions by Tod E. Kurt: 2007-11 Tod E. Kurt
Wii Extension to USB HID project: