Hi!/¡Hola!/Hoi!/Salut! 👋, We are Dog Face Development Co.
We have been building open source programs, websites and other projects on Github since April 25th, 2016. That's when we made our first commit. Since then we pushed over 900 commits, opened over 300 issues, and submitted roughly 150 pull requests, all across 16 repositories!
We contribute to maintaining small, powerful, and helpful projects and tools like:
- PyWorkout - A minimal CLI to keep you inspired during your workout! Easily used and customized, with support for multiple workout plans, different muscle groups and video workouts.
- PyAvatar - Easily display all of your creative avatars to keep them consistent across websites.
- ProgramVer - An open-source, Python GUI version window to show copyright info and licenses. A Python version of Microsoft's 'winver'.
See how you can contribute by reading our CONTRIBUTING
doc, and make sure your contributions follow our CODE OF CONDUCT
. Thanks for taking the time to contribute! Happy open sourcing!