August 2018
New Features
OPDS server
Delayed searches for previously unfound books
Daily api limits for nzb/tor providers
Bug fixes/enhancements
Show ssl version info in debug log and system info popup
Added more icon sizes to manifest
Show torrent dates from limewire and torrentdownloads
Added spinner while manual searching for books
Don't rename downloads from nzb providers until postprocessing
Added link to rss feeds for apps that do page scraping
Changes for jackett results where jackett may b64encode the response
Deluge/jackett communication fixed
Show reason for download failure in history popup
Cache isbn lookups to reduce future api calls
Added check for urllib3 as some requests installations don't include it
Additional namevars for series naming
Slack messaging changes (thanks @BarbecueSauce)
Magazine opf changes (thanks @knobunc)
Added openlibrary as a source of book covers
Assume author of book 1 of a series is the main series author
File contents checking for rtorrent, utorrent, synology torrents
Option to rename "Open" button if lazylibrarian being used purely for admin/download, not accessing books
Added playlists to audiobooks and option to download different parts
New series filters, Complete, Partial, Empty
Show original publication date where available
Versioncheck interval of zero now disables startup check
New job status popup
New setWorkID and authorUpdate api calls
On refresh, verify bookid/workid have not changed at goodreads
Fix possible incorrect book status on author refresh
Fix filter reset button resetting too much, or not enough
Fix for some piratebay proxies returning full url instead of relative