A simple directive for adding google places autocomplete to a textbox element.
Texbox will be invalidated with a property name parse
(see example below) if user fails to pick one of the suggestions.
As a result of the selection $scope.details
will hold a bit modified version of "google place" object that is ready to be sent to the server/database.
You can specifying short_name or long_name for each component. Currently to do so you need to change componentForm
variable in the ngAutocomplete.js
. In time changing this will be allowed on the dirrective using attributes. formattedAddress
still returns the long_name route version but the individual component is returned as specified.
- AngularJs 1.3
- Reference to google maps api
Reference module in your app
angular.module('app', ['ngAutocomplete']);
<form name="formAddress" novalidate>
<input ng-model="vm.address.formattedAddress" required
ng-autocomplete details="vm.address"
placeholder="Start typing your address" id="address" name="address" type="text" />
<div ng-messages for="formAddress['address'].$error" class="help-block error">
<div ng-message when="required">Please provide your address</div>
<div ng-message when="parse">Please select one of the suggested options</div>
Demo: Plunker Example
This is a heavily modified version of Will Palahnuk's version of ngAutocomplete. Kudos, Will!
Major differences/features are:
- Directive does not use isolate scope.
- Details are stored as a modified version of Google Place object that's ready to be stored in DB.
attribute for built-in validation.- included default validation that requires user to actually select one of the suggested options.
- Because of the bug in Google Api, input disables validation described above when Google Service is not available (occurs when used in China)
- optional attribute
which can be used to provide additional validation function that'll run when user selects something from the list of suggestions.