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85 Commits

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Ditectrev website v3




List of useful commands during development.


  • docker build -t IMAGE_NAME . - build Docker image.
  • docker exec -it CONTAINER_NAMES sh - enter the container.
  • docker images - list Docker images.
  • docker ps - show Docker container status.
  • docker run -p 4200:4200 IMAGE_NAME - run Docker image with a specific image name.
  • docker stop CONTAINER_ID - stop running container with specific ID.


  • git add . - add all changed files in the repository to the index.
  • git branch - check project branches and highlight active branch.
  • git commit -m "commit message" - create commit with a message.
  • git commit --amend - edit unpushed commit with opening a default text editor.
  • git commit --amend -m "COMMIT MESSAGE" - edit unpushed commit directly from command line.
  • git checkout BRANCH_NAME - switch to a certain branch.
  • git diff --color-words - display difference between commit, and working tree with distinguishing between words colors without breaking line where differences occured.
  • git diff --stat - show number of changed lines for each file.
  • git log --all --decorate --graph --oneline - log commits of repository in a human friendly way.
  • git merge --no-ff --no-commit BRANCH_NAME - safe merging branch from certain branch to "master". Done after git checkout BRANCH_NAME, git pull, git checkout master, git pull.
  • git pull - update local version of a project's repository from remote.
  • git push - push commit to the repository.
  • git push --delete origin v0.0.0 - delete remote tag.
  • git push --tags - push tags to the repository.
  • git push origin master:BRANCH_NAME - push local Git branch to "master" branch in remote.
  • git reset HEAD~1 - remove unpushed commit.
  • git rm -r --cached ." - remove completely, sometimes if .gitignore will be not updated just run it before git add.
  • git status - display differences between the index file, and the current HEAD commit.
  • git status -sb - same as git status, but in shorter version, and showing current branch.
  • git tag - show tags from the repository.
  • git tag -a v0.0.0 -m "tag message" - create tag on current commit with specific version, and message.
  • git tag -a v0.0.0 123abcde -m "Message here" - add tag to certain commit.
  • git tag -d v0.0.0 - delete local tag.
  • git tag v0.0.0 v0.0.0^{} -f -m "new name here" - change tag message of some specific tag.


  • ng build --project=MYAPP - build project.
  • ng e2e - run end-to-end tests.
  • ng generate app MYAPP - generate new application, in Nx there can be multiple applications, and libraries in the same workspace.
  • ng generate component component-name --project=MYAPP - generate new component, can be used as ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module.
  • ng generate lib mylib - generate new library, in Nx there can be multiple applications, and libraries in the same workspace.
  • ng help - show all available commands of the CLI.
  • ng lint - perform static code analysis.
  • ng serve - build, and serve project.
  • ng serve --project=MYAPP - run local server in production environment, navigate to http://localhost:4200/ in order to access it. Changes are detected automatically, and will server will reload the page once they will be detected.
  • ng test - run unit tests.
  • ng test LIB_NAME - run unit tests for particular lib.
  • ng version - show version of Angular with its core dependencies.
  • ng update - check which packages are ready to update.
  • ng update --all - update all packages.
  • ng update PACKAGE_NAME - update certain package.


  • npm audit - display known vulnerabilities in dependencies.
  • npm audit fix - fix known vulnerabilities in dependencies.
  • npm cache clean --force - clean cache of npm.
  • npm info PACKAGE_NAME version - show the newest version of certain package.
  • npm install PACKAGE_NAME@VERSION --save-exact - install exact package version without "~" and "^", i.e. don't update automatically.
  • npm list - show versions of installed packages in project.
  • npm list | grep PACKAGE_NAME - show package details with its own dependencies.
  • npm list -g - show versions of installed packages globally.
  • npm list --depth=0 - show versions of installed packages in project without its own dependencies.
  • npm list --depth=0 -g - show versions of installed packages globallyn without its own dependencies.
  • npm outdated - show outdated dependencies.
  • npm run dep-graph - run dependency graph.
  • npm test -t "test-name" - run only single test.


  • npx compodoc -p apps/ditectrev/ - generate documentation.
  • npx jest --clearCache - clear cache for Jest.
  • For Angular CLI, and Nx more can be found on Nx official project website, or Angular CLI documentation. To simplify management of these commands Angular Console, as an extension to Visual Studio Code is used for more sophisticated scenarios.
  • Reverse engineering can be done using ngrev

Commits convention

  • Add: - new functionality has been added.
  • Change: - changes in methods, project setup, variables, etc.
  • Delete: - something has been removed.
  • Fix: - part of code/functionality has been performed.
  • Improve: - something has been improved, i.e. error handling, security etc.
  • Migrate: - project has been upgraded to newer versions of dependencies.
  • Refactor: - signifcant enough change in the logic, which required refactoring.
  • Update: - at least one of application's dependencies has been updated.
  • Tags to commits - First commit, then add appropriate tag to the new commit. Otherwise the tag will be placed on an old commit.

Security scanning results

Name of a web scanner Score
Checkbot: SEO, Web Speed & Security Tester 92%
CryptCheck A
ImmuniWeb A
Mozilla Observatory A+
Pentest-Tools Low security risk
Security Headers A
SiteCheck Low security risk
Qualys SSL Labs A+


2 changes have to be done when running and/or testing this, depending by if Firebase or NestJS is being used. Check server/app.module.ts and server/main.ts (await nestApp.listen(4479);).


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