Distort is a two part projection mapping software build at the University of Hamburg as part of the HCI-Project class 2014/15. The application consists of a angular webapp that will run on any tablet and of a server running on a local machine build with unity3D. Distort gives you the capability to project onto a 3D model with up to 3 Beamers from different angles, while aligning your textures remotly from a mobile device and our webapp.
"event_identifier": "move_rect",
"uuid": "1jlk2j198dlk1jedjn129",
"delta": {
"x": 12,
"y": -3
"event_identifier": "move_vertice",
"uuid": "1jlk2j198dlk1jedjn129",
"vertice": "top_left",
"delta": {
"x": 12,
"y": -3
"event_identifier": "create_rect",
"uuid": "1jlk2j198dlk1jedjn129",
"positions": {
"top_left": {
"y": 3
"top_right": {
"x": 3,
"y": 3
"bottom_right": {
"x": 3,
"bottom_left": {
"event_identifier": "delete_rect",
"uuid": "1jlk2j198dlk1jedjn129",
"event_identifier": "change_texture",
"uuid": "1jlk2j198dlk1jedjn129",
"texture_uuid": "1s83j198dlkasds82kc5"