Releases: Dimimo/pool
Releases · Dimimo/pool
Upgrade to L11
A score sheet bug fix
A score sheet bug fix if there was no visiting team
Season 2024/03 added
New season added
Calendar fix (again)
1.1.11 Calendar had to be updated also when there are no known games (#12)
Calendar fix if there are no games
1.1.10 Calendar had to be updated also when there are no known games
Files created or season 2023/10
1.1.9 Main (#11)
pool-score.js now as asset instead of static cdn
1.1.3 pool-score.js moved to asset instead of cdn
pool-scor.js redirected to the static cdn
1.1.2 redirected pool-score.js to static cdn
phpstan error fixed, expanded the install file
1.1.1 fixed phpstan alert, updated the install file
table pool_scores dropped, improved js
1.0.7 Pool unnecessary pool_scores table