- Virtualbox app installed
- Text Editor
Variables Used in Vagrantfile
Variable Description K8S_VERSION Define Version for K8s components (kubeadm, kubelet and kubectl) NUM_MASTER_NODE Define the number of Master nodes to create NUM_WORKER_NODE Define the number of worker nodes to create IP_NW Defines the private CIDR for the nodes subnet POD_NTWK_CIDR Define the CIDR range for the pods subnet
Edit the Vagrantfile accordingly to spun up the number of masters and nodes for your cluster
- Edit Vagrantfile and set the number of Master and Workers to create
- Enable Experimental vagrant feature with command
export VAGRANT_EXPERIMENTAL="dependency_provisioners"
for provisioning dependencies - Run
vagrant up
- wait until the cluster is up and connect to the controlplane
vagrant ssh controlplane
- Install your prefered Network Add On
- check that you can get nodes and verify the version
kubectl get nodes -o wide