Use custom hardware library (allow save lot of space):
- GPT (Timers)
- I2C
- I2S
- Rewrite ChibiOS USB and Serial streams and HAL code
- Fixed some SD card problems, more faster write (use block write mode)
- Move all hardware depend code to board dir
- Fix delay in usart read command
- Fix error response on empty input
- Add run script from SD card functions
Now possible create *.cmd file on SD card, file contan console commands for execute
This allow quick change device options and prepare device. - Add delete file function in browser
- Update USB version strings
- Add config command:
config {auto|avg|connection|mode|grid|dot|bk|flip|separator} [0|1|2]
"auto" - File Autoname 0:off, 1:on
"avg" - Smooth 0:off, 1:on
"connection" - connection 0:USB, 1:Serial
"mode" - Marker search mode 0:Max, 1:Min
"grid" - grid values 0:off, 1:on
"dot" - dot grid lines 0:off, 1:on
"bk" - Backup (remember several settings on device off) 0:off, 1:on
"flip" - flip display 0: normal, 1: 180 degree rotated
"separator" - use separator locale 0: dot, 1: comma
0 - disable
1 - enable
2 (or any else) - toggle
Allow set/clear/toggle settings flags - Store config settings in backup (allow store options if device power off)
- Fix load snp file if current separator locale = ','
scan or scanbin command now have extend outmask:
SCAN_MASK_OUT_FREQ 0b00000001 - need output frequency
SCAN_MASK_OUT_DATA0 0b00000010 - need output S11
SCAN_MASK_OUT_DATA1 0b00000100 - need output S21
SCAN_MASK_NO_CALIBRATION 0b00001000 - Ignore device calibration
SCAN_MASK_NO_EDELAY 0b00010000 - Ignore device E-Delay (new)
SCAN_MASK_NO_S21OFFS 0b00100000 - Ignore device S21 offset (new)
SCAN_MASK_BINARY 0b10000000 - binary output - Add msg time [message] [header]' command, allow show message box and wait, this more useful for script execute
msg 0 "Message text" "Header"
Show message box and wait user touch ot button click (delay = 0)
msg 1000 "Message text" "Header"
Show message box and wait 1000ms
msg 2000
Just wait 2000ms - Add 'measure {none|lc|lcshunt|lcseries|xtal|cable|resonance}' command
- Now possible add text strings on screenshot for capture (up to 4 strings)
capture "text 1"
capture "text 1" "text 2" "text 3"
- More faster line draw
- Use shadow text on plot area
- Add reverse marker plates, and use it on top area
- Extend linear, real, imag marker to 6 digit
- Show 0.01 degree in phase measure
- One buttin for Store/clean trace
- Add Z phase trace
- Add S21 offset setting, allow shift S21 data
- Add S21 SHUNT and SERIES |Z|
- Add VAR input for edelay value
- Show saved calibration range on save menu
- Show VF at bottom on TDR mode
- Add % symbol to keyboard (use in VF input)
- Add u symbol to keyboard (use for micro values input)
- Allow use keyboard '-' in all cases
- Allow input custom sweep points number
- IFBW text at bottom (old bw)
Added lot of commens for code
Refactoring allow more easy add addition options (for UI, Measures, Traces)
Also lot of optimisation, faster and more compact code
Small fixes in menu text align