- Distributions.
- EDA.
- KNN Algorithm.
- Naive Bayes classifier.
- Logistic Regression.
- Linear Regression.
Support Vector Machine.- Decision Tree
- Random Forest
- Boosting
1 Distributions
- Normal (Gaussian) Distribution
- Central Limit Theorem
- Q-Q PLot
2 EDA: Exploratory Data Analysis
- EDA of Haberman's Survival dataset
- EDA of Titanic Mortality dataset.
3 K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN)
Note: Create folder by name
inside3. K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN)
folder before funning the notebook.
- Plot cluster of data-point.
- Implementing KNN algorithm from scratch.
- Test the accuracy of the model trained on KNN.
4 Naive Bayes classifier
- Implement simple Naive Bayes classifier for categorical features.
- Train and test model on sample weather forecast dataset using Naive Bayes.
- Train Naive Bayes classifier using
. - Train and test model on sample weather forecast dataset.
5 Logistic Regression
Implement multinomial Logistic Regression using Gradient Descent minimization technique.
6 Linear Regression
Implement cost function for multivariate Linear Regression based on Squared Error technique.
Implement Batch Gradient Descent to minimize Squared Error Cost function.
Implement multivariate Linear Regression using Gradient Descent minimization technique.
Implement multivariate Linear Regression using Normal Equation technique.
7 Support Vector Machine (SVM)
Implement Support Vector Regression without any Kernel i.e., linear-SVR.
8 Decision Tree
Visualize decision tree