hello I have completed the given functionalities
step 1-> clone the repo step 2 -> npm install step 3 -> set the env variables (PORT,MONGODB_URL,JWT_SECRET)
Apis for auth
- signup ->/api/v1/signup
- login -> api/v1/login
Apis for notes (ALL the routes is for Authenticated user only
- create a note -> POST /api/v1/auth/notes
- get all notes -> GET api/v1/auth/getnotes
- note by id -> GET api/v1/auth/checknote/:id
- update note by id -> PUT api/v1/auth/notes/:id
- delete note by id - DEL api/v1/auth/delnotes/:id
- share a note -> POST api/v1/auth/notes/:id//share
- for search -> post api/v1/auth/search
I have also used rate limiter and throttling to optimize APIS