Exploratory project applying semantic web concepts to HEC-RAS model metadata. This project helps advance FEMA's Future of Flood Risk Data (FFRD) initiative by providing a proof of concept for a metadata standard that can be used to describe HEC-RAS models.
Requires Python 3.10+.
users can leverage the included .python-version
file to install the correct version of Python:
$ pyenv install
Create a virtual environment and install dependencies:
$ python -m venv venv-ffrd-metadata
$ source venv-ffrd-metadata/bin/activate
(venv-ffrd-metadata) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
The script referenced below will generate the file ./kanawha/kanawha.ttl
(venv-ffrd-metadata) $ python ./scripts/create_kanawha_metadata.py
A Jupyter notebook is included to demonstrate how to use the RDF data generated by the script above. The notebook can be run using the following command:
(venv-ffrd-metadata) $ jupyter lab ./notebooks/ffrd-metadata-demo.ipynb
A script is also included to convert the notebook to a static HTML file (./mill/ffrd-metadata-demo.html
(venv-ffrd-metadata) $ cd ./notebooks
(venv-ffrd-metadata) $ python ./nb-to-html.py