Create Service Connections in Azure DevOps for each of the APIM instances you want to migrate from and to.
Create a variable group in Azure DevOps called apim-dev-portal with the following variables:
Variable Name Description APIM_INSTANCE_NAME The name of the APIM instance to migrate from REPOSITORY_NAME The name of the Azure DevOps repository to save the artifacts to RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME The name of the resource group the APIM instance is in SERVICE_CONNECTION_NAME The name of the Azure DevOps service connection to use to connect to the APIM instance TARGET_BRANCH The name of the branch to raise the PR against -
Create a variable group in Azure DevOps in the format apim-dev-portal-{env} for each of the environment you want to migrate to with the following variables:
Variable Name Description APIM_INSTANCE_NAME The name of the APIM instance to migrate to RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME The name of the resource group the APIM instance is in SERVICE_CONNECTION_NAME The name of the Azure DevOps service connection to use to connect to the APIM instance -
Create an environment in Azure DevOps for each of the environments you want to migrate to. Add required gates to the environment.
Create a pipeline in Azure DevOps with the yaml from file capture.yaml. This will create a pipeline that will capture the APIM developer portal snapshot from the source environment and raise a PR against the repository specified in the variable group.
Run the pipeline with the following parameters:
OUTPUT_FOLDER_PATH: The name of the folder to save the snapshot to in the repository.
Note: Pipeline will need approval to access the variable group for the first time.
Create a pipeline in Azure DevOps with the yaml from file release.yaml. This will create a pipeline that will deploy the APIM developer portal snapshot to the target environment(s).
Link the variable groups created for each environment to the pipeline. Edit the pipeline, select Triggers from the ellipsis menu and navigate to the Variables tab. Add the variable groups to the pipeline.
Create url overwrite files for each environment in the format urls.{env}.json. The contents of the file should be as
{ uri: "https://uri1.com, https://uri2.com" }
Update the existing uris in the snapshot in the file existingUrls.json
Note: This is an optional step and is only required if you want to overwrite the urls in the snapshot with the urls in the file.
Run the pipeline with the following parameters:
OUTPUT_FOLDER_PATH: The name of the folder the snapshot was saved to in the repository.
ENVIRONMENTS: The name of the environments to deploy to. For ex:
- dev - stage - prod
These should match the suffix of the names of the variable groups created in step 3.
Create Service Principals for each of the APIM instances you want to migrate from and to. The service principal will need the following permissions:
az ad sp create-for-rbac -n "{name_of_the_sp}" --role Contributor --scopes /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{apim_resource_group} --sdk-auth
Create environments for each of the apim instances under {repository} -> Settings -> Environments with the below secrets:
Secret Name Description APIM_INSTANCE_NAME The name of the APIM instance to migrate from RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME The name of the resource group the APIM instance is in AZURE_CLIENT_ID The client id of the service principal AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET The client secret of the service principal AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID The subscription id of the apim resource AZURE_TENANT_ID The tenant id of the service principal Note: The names of the environments can be dev, stage etc. If using different names, update the capture.yaml and release.yaml for the environment names.
Grant permissions for the actions to create a PR. Set Read and write permissions and "Allow GitHub Actions to create and approve pull requests" under {repository} -> Settings -> Actions -> General -> Workflow permissions.
Update the release.yaml to reflect the stages you want to deploy to.