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⚡ Supercharge your canvas experience! Create presentations, flowcharts and more!


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Advanced Canvas for

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⚡ Supercharge your canvas experience! Create presentations, flowcharts and more!


Open the Community Plugins tab in the settings and search for "Advanced Canvas" (or click here).

Other installation methods
  • Install it using BRAT
  • Manual folder creation
    1. Create a folder named advanced-canvas in your vault's plugins folder (<vault>/.obsidian/plugins/).
    2. Download main.js, styles.css and manifest.json from the latest release and put them in the advanced-canvas folder.
    3. Enable the plugin in Settings -> Community plugins -> Installed plugins


All features can be enabled/disabled in the settings.


Please consider supporting the plugin. There are many hours of work and effort behind it. The two easiest ways to support the plugin are either by starring ⭐ the repository or by donating any amount on Ko-fi ❤️. Thank you!

ko-fi Time Spent

Better Default Settings

  • Enforce all new nodes to be aligned to the grid
  • Customize default text node size
  • Customize default file node size
  • Modify the minimum node size
  • Disable the font scaling relative to the zoom level

Canvas Commands

  • Advanced Canvas: Open Quicksettings
    • Open the quicksettings menu
  • Advanced Canvas: Create text node
    • Create a new text node
  • Advanced Canvas: Create file node
    • Create a new file node
  • Advanced Canvas: Select all edges
    • Select all edges
  • Advanced Canvas: Zoom to selection
    • Zoom to the bounding box of the selected nodes
  • Advanced Canvas: Clone node up/down/left/right
    • Clone the selected node in the direction of the arrow keys
    • The cloned node will have the same dimensions and color as the original node
  • Advanced Canvas: Expand node up/down/left/right
    • Expand the selected node in the direction of the arrow keys
  • Advanced Canvas: Flip selection horizontally/vertically
    • Flip the selected nodes and the respective edges horizontally or vertically

Node Styles

You can customize the default node styles using the settings.

Node Shapes

Flowchart Example Flowchart Example


  • Use the updated popup menu set a node's shape


Terminal Shape Terminal Shape
Process/Center Shape Process/Center Shape
Decision Shape Decision Shape
Input/Output Shape Input/Output Shape
On-page Reference Shape On-page Reference Shape
Predefined Process Shape Predefined Process Shape
Document Shape Document Shape
Database Shape Database Shape

Border Styles

Set the style of the border to dotted, dashed or invisible.

Border Styles Example Border Styles Example

Edge Styles

You can customize the default edge styles using the settings.

Path Styles

Set the style of the edge paths to dotted, short-dashed or long-dashed.

Edge Styles Example Edge Path Styles Example

Arrow Styles

Set the style of the arrows to triangle outline, halved triangle, thin triangle, diamond, diamond outline, circle or circle outline.

Arrow Styles Example Edge Arrow Styles Example

Pathfinding Methods

Set the pathfinding method of the edges (arrows) to default, straight, squared or A*.

Path Styles Example Edge Pathfinding Methods Example

Custom Styles

Custom style attributes for nodes and edges can easily be added.

  1. Add a popup menu option
    • Open the <VAULT-PATH>/.obsidian/plugins/advanced-canvas/data.json file
    • If you want to add an option to node popup menu, search for customNodeStyleAttributes property, otherwise search for customEdgeStyleAttributes property. (Create it if it doesn't exist yet)
    • Add the custom popup menu option (Remove the comments!)
     "customNodeStyleAttributes": [
             "datasetKey": "exampleStyleAttribute", // Must be unique and written in camelCase
             "label": "Example Style Attribute",
             "options": [
                     "icon": "cloud-sun", // Choose an icon from
                     "label": "Sunny Appearance",
                     "value": null // Null means default
                     "icon": "cloud-rain-wind", // Choose an icon from
                     "label": "Rainy Appearance",
                     "value": "rainy" // The value that gets set
         // You can add more categories here


There needs to be one option with the value null

  1. Create a new CSS snippet in your vault (And enable it in the settings)
    .canvas-node[data-<DATASET-KEY>="rainy"] { /* The dataset key is now written in kebab-case */
        background-color: #7f7f7f;
  2. Reload Obsidian and enjoy your new custom style!
    Custom Style Attribute Example

Variable Breakpoints

Add breakpoints to nodes to change at which zoom factor the node's content gets unrendered.

Create a new CSS snippet in your vault (And enable it in the settings)

/* Any CSS selector can be used (As long as the .canvas-node element has the CSS variable defined) */
.canvas-node[data-shape="pill"] {
    /* The zoom factor at which the node's content gets unrendered (Zoom level can reach from 1 to -4) */
    --variable-breakpoint: 0.5;

Custom Colors

Add custom colors to the color picker. You can add them using the following css snippet:

:root {
    /* Where X is the index of the color in the palette */
    /* The colors 1-6 are already used by Obsidian */
    --canvas-color-X: 0, 255, 0; /* RGB */
Custom Colors In Palette Custom Colors In Palette

Presentation Mode

In presentation mode, you can navigate through the nodes using the arrow keys or the PageUp/PageDown keys (Compatible with most presentation remotes). The different slides/nodes are connected using arrows. If you want to have multiple arrows pointing from the same node, you can number them in the order you want to navigate through them. While in presentation mode, the canvas is in readonly mode (So better readonly effects the presentation mode as well!). You can exit the presentation mode using the ESC key or the corresponding command. If you want to continue the presentation from the last slide you were on, you can use the Advanced Canvas: Continue presentation command.

Presentation mode example

Canvas File Presentation canvas file

More Complex Example

Complex presentation mode example

Canvas File Complex presentation canvas file


  • Create the first slide
    • Create the first slide of the presentation using the updated popup menu
    • OR create a node and mark it as the first slide using the updated card menu
  • Add more slides
    • Link the slides using arrows
      • If you want to loop back to a previous slide, you can number the arrows in the order you want to navigate through them
    • TIP: Create slides with consistent dimensions by using the updated card menu
  • Control the presentation
    • Start the presentation using the command palette (Advanced Canvas: Start presentation)
    • Change slides using the arrow keys
    • Exit the presentation using the ESC key


Embed other canvases inside your canvas and create edges (arrows) to the embedded canvas.

Portal example


  • Embed a canvas file and click on the door icon of the popup menu to open a portal

Collapsible Groups

Collapse and expand groups to organize your canvas.

Collapsible Groups Example Collapsible Groups Example

Auto Node Resizing

Resize nodes automatically when the text content changes. Toggle this feature on a per-node basis using the updated popup menu.

Auto Node Resizing Example Auto Node Resizing Example

Focus Mode

Focus on a single node and blur all other nodes.

Focus Mode Example Focus Mode

Better Readonly

  • Disable node popup menus
  • Lock the canvas' position
  • Lock the canvas' zoom
  • BUT to retain some interactivity, it allows zooming to a bounding box (e.g. zoom to selection, zoom to fit all)


  • Use the updated control menu to toggle the new features (Only shown if the canvas is in readonly mode)

Encapsulate Selection

Move the current selection to a new canvas and create a link in the current canvas.


  • Select the nodes you want to encapsulate
  • Use the context menu (right click) to encapsulate the selection
  • OR use the command palette (Advanced Canvas: Encapsulate selection)

Flip Edge

Flip the direction of an edge with one click.

Flip Edge Example Flip Edge Example

Canvas Events

All custom events are prefixed with advanced-canvas: and can be listened to using app.workspace.on (Just like the default events).

All Events
  • advanced-canvas:canvas-changed
    • Fired when a new canvas gets loaded
    • Payload: Canvas
  • advanced-canvas:viewport-changed:before and advanced-canvas:viewport-changed:after
    • Fired before and after the viewport gets changed
    • Payload: Canvas
  • advanced-canvas:node-moved
    • Fired when a node gets moved
    • Payload: Canvas, Node
  • advanced-canvas:double-click
    • Fired when the canvas gets double-clicked
    • Payload: Canvas, MouseEvent, preventDefault: { value: Boolean }
  • advanced-canvas:dragging-state-changed
    • Fired when the dragging state of the canvas changes
    • Payload: Canvas, boolean
  • advanced-canvas:node-created
    • Fired when a new node gets created
    • Payload: Canvas, Node
  • advanced-canvas:edge-created
    • Fired when a new edge gets created
    • Payload: Canvas, Edge
  • advanced-canvas:node-added
    • Fired when a new node gets added
    • Payload: Canvas, Node
  • advanced-canvas:edge-added
    • Fired when a new edge gets added
    • Payload: Canvas, Edge
    • Payload: Canvas, Edge
  • advanced-canvas:node-changed
    • Fired when any node gets changed
    • Payload: Canvas, Node
  • advanced-canvas:edge-changed
    • Fired when any edge gets changed
    • Payload: Canvas, Edge
  • advanced-canvas:node-text-content-changed
    • Fired when the text content of a node gets changed (While typing)
    • Payload: Canvas, Node, ViewUpdate (From CodeMirror)
  • advanced-canvas:node-removed
    • Fired when a node gets removed
    • Payload: Canvas, Node
  • advanced-canvas:edge-removed
    • Fired when an edge gets removed
  • advanced-canvas:copy
    • Fired when the selection gets copied
    • Payload: Canvas, SelectionData (Reference!)
  • advanced-canvas:node-breakpoint-changed
    • Fired when the breakpoint of a node changes
    • Payload: Canvas, Node, breakpoint: { value: boolean }
  • advanced-canvas:node-editing-state-changed
    • Fired when the editing state of a node changes
    • Payload: Canvas, Node, boolean (isEditing)
  • advanced-canvas:node-bbox-requested
    • Fired when the bounding box of a node gets requested (e.g. for the edge path or when dragging a group)
    • Payload: Canvas, Node, BBox (Reference!)
  • advanced-canvas:edge-center-requested
    • Fired when the center of an edge gets requested (e.g. for the edge label position)
    • Payload: Canvas, Edge, Position (Reference!)
  • advanced-canvas:containing-nodes-requested
    • Fired when the nodes inside a bounding box get requested
    • Payload: Canvas, BBox, Node[] (Reference!)
  • advanced-canvas:selection-changed
    • Fired when the selection of the canvas changes
    • Payload: Canvas, oldSelection: Set<Node|Edge>, updateSelection: (() => void) => void
  • advanced-canvas:zoom-to-bbox:before and advanced-canvas:zoom-to-bbox:after
    • Fired before and after the canvas gets zoomed to a bounding box (e.g. zoom to selection, zoom to fit all)
    • Payload: Canvas, BBox
  • advanced-canvas:popup-menu-created
    • Fired when the a node popup menu gets created (Not firing multiple times if it gets moved between nodes of the same type)
    • Payload: Canvas
  • advanced-canvas:node-interaction
    • Fired when a node gets hovered over
    • Payload: Canvas, Node
  • advanced-canvas:undo
    • Fired when undo gets called
    • Payload: Canvas
  • advanced-canvas:redo
    • Fired when redo gets called
    • Payload: Canvas
  • advanced-canvas:readonly-changed
    • Fired when the readonly state of the canvas changes
    • Payload: Canvas, boolean
  • advanced-canvas:data-requested
    • Fired when the canvas data gets requested
    • Payload: Canvas, CanvasData (Reference!)
  • advanced-canvas:load-data
    • Fired when the canvas data gets set
    • Payload: Canvas, CanvasData (Reference!), setData: (CanvasData) => void
  • advanced-canvas:canvas-saved:before and advanced-canvas:canvas-saved:after
    • Fired before and after the canvas gets saved
    • Payload: Canvas


Every feature can be enabled/disabled in the settings. All features were made to be as customizable as possible.


All code contributions are welcome! (PRs that only update the documentation won't get merged. Please open an issue instead.) You may want to check out issues with the PRs appreciated label to find issues you can start with. But feel free to work on any issue or non-issue you want to work on!

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