- Product Hunt - startup culture/news/trends
- Dribbble - design culture/trends
- Behance - design culture/trends
- Important must-read of things to understand in front-end dev: css resets, responsive media queries, viewport meta tag, box model, container/columns/rows best practices, clearfix
- Front-End Frameworks:
- LoremPixel - placeholder images
- Lipsum - placeholder text
- UI Faces
- UI Names
- Random User Generator
- Grumpicon - create fallback PNGs for SVG files
- Animate CSS - CSS3 library
- Pure - small, responsive CSS modules
- Unheap - jQuery plugins
- js Beautifier
- IE Browser Testing
- Subtle Patterns - visual pattern
- First Time UX - showcase of new user experiences
- UI Interaction Library
- Subjective-C - innovative iOS interfaces UI Cloud - largest user interface design database in the world
- Android Patterns
- Android UI Patterns
- Android niceties
- Android App Patterns
- Mobile Design Gallery
- UX Archive
- Pttrns
- Mobile-Patterns
- Inspired-UI
- Capptivate
- Android Design guidelines
- Apple Design guidelines
- Android tools:
- iOS tools:
- PlaceIt - real-life image templates to insert mobile screens
- Drag-and-drop tools:
- HTML Markup Validation (W3)
- HTML Tidy
- CSS Validation (W3)
- Clean CSS
- Procssor - organize your CSS
- JavaScript Compressor
- IconFinder
- IconArchive
- IconMonstr
- The Noun Project
- IcoMoon
- Fontello
- FontAwesome
- Glyphicons
- FlatIcons