Cosplayer 2.0.0 will release on January 11th.
It will be just as convenient as before and feature a few new interesting additions as well as a major code overhaul with many bug fixes.
A tera-proxy module able to change your client-side appearance.
Automatically updates dressing room with missing items upon seeing them ingame.
Changes to your character are saved on your hard drive and reloaded on next login.
Open the dressing room and select an outfit. That's it! Or use one of the many commands below.
While in game, open a proxy chat session by typing "/proxy" or "/8" in chat and hitting the space bar.
This serves as the script's command interface.
The following commands are supported:
- cosplay dye - change dye with the ingame slider tool
- cosplay dyergb '[0-255 0-255 0-255]' - change dye to rgb value, e.g. "cosplay dyergb '214 153 204'"
- cosplay weapon [id] - change your weapon skin to id, e.g. "cosplay weapon 99272"
- cosplay costume [id] - change your costume skin to id, e.g. "cosplay costume 180722"
- cosplay back [id] - change your back skin to id, e.g. "cosplay back 180081"
- cosplay mask [id] - change your mask skin to id, e.g. "cosplay mask 181563"
- cosplay hair [id] - change your hair adornment to id, e.g. "cosplay hair 252972"
- cosplay innerwear [id] - change your innerwear skin to id, e.g. "cosplay innerwear 97936"
- cosplay pantsu - switch between innerwear and costume
- cosplay enchant [0-15] - change weapon enchant glow, e.g. "cosplay enchant 13"
- cosplay tag [name] - change name tag on costume, e.g. "cosplay tag 'I love Spacecats'"
- cosplay undress - goes back to your actual look
Any other input, starting with "cosplay", will return a summary of above commands in the chat.
If you want to disable scanning for new costumes change "DISABLE" in scanner.js to "true".
Whatever you send to the proxy chat in game is intercepted client-side. The chat is NOT sent to the server.
All appearance changes are only visible to your client. Nothing gets changed on the server.
Contains code from elin-magic by Pinkie Pie
Contains code from from elin-magic's extension cosplay-ex by Bernkastel
Thanks to Pentagon for the default costume database
- [*] Updated for Arsenal Patch
- [+] Added "tag" command
- [+] Added Ragnarok fix
- [+] Added option to disable scanning for new costumes in scanner.js
- [*] Fixed outfit not immediately reapplying while dying under the effect of Marrow Brooch
- [*] Some code cleanup
- [*] Full conversion to Pinkie Pie's command module
- [+] Added more commands
- [+] Emulated Marrow Brooch appearance changes
- [*] Initial Release