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Units and actions

FW edited this page Apr 24, 2019 · 10 revisions

Everything dynamic in StarCraft 2 is a unit. Walking creatures, buildings, and even mineral fields are all units. Units are passed you your async def on_step(self, iteration) method inside the self.state property, as self.state.units, which is a group of all known units in the game. Your own units are also available as self.units.

Unit groups / Units

Unit group (sc2.units.Units) is an ordered set-like structure containing all units. Normal set operations (|, &, -) can be used with unit groups.


Name Description
amount int Number of units in the group
empty bool Is the group empty
exists bool Is the group not empty
center Point2 Returns the central point of a unit group, assumes self.amount > 0
tags(pos) Set[int] Returns a set of all unit tags in this unit group
closest_distance_to(pos) float distance to the closest unit in the group to position: Unit or Point2
furthest_distance_to(pos) float distance to the furthest unit in the group to position: Unit or Point2

Unit selectors

Return a single unit

Name Description
first The first unit in the group
random A random unit in the group
random_of(other) A random unit in the group, or other in case that the group is empty
closest_to(position) The unit closest to position
furthest_to(position) The unit furthest to position
find_by_tag Find unit by tag, returns None if not found
by_tag Find unit by tag, throws KeyError if not found

Unit group selectors

Return a unit group of type Units


Name Description
take(n) Takes first n units in the group (requires the group to contain at least that many units)
take(n, require_all=False) Takes first n units in the group, or all if the group is smaller
random_group_of(n) A random subgroup of n units


Name Description
filter(predicate) Selects all units for which predicate returns True, e.g. self.units.filter(lambda u: u.can_attack_ground) returns all units that have a ground attack
closer_than(distance, position) All units closer than distance: int to the position: Unit or Point2
further_than(distance, position) All units further than distance: int to the position: Unit or Point2
tags_in(set) Returns all units whose tags are in set. Can be used as the reverse of Units.tags, e.g. self.units(UnitTypeId.QUEEN).tags_in(self.queen_tags_assigned_to_do_injects)
tags_not_in(set) Returns all units whose tags are not in set, e.g. self.units(QUEEN).tags_not_in(self.queen_tags_assigned_to_do_injects)
of_type(set) Returns all units that are of type UnitTypeId in the set, e.g. self.units.of_type({UnitTypeId.ZERGLING, UnitTypeId.ROACH, UnitTypeId.HYDRALISK, UnitTypeId.BROODLORD})
exclude_type(set) Returns all units that are not of type UnitTypeId in the set, e.g. self.known_enemy_units.exclude_type({OVERLORD})
Try to always use a set for the last four filters, since item in my_set operation is O(1).

Property filters

Name Description
ready Is ready (building done, unit fully spawned). Ideal to check if a structure requirement is met
noqueue Command queue is empty
idle Same as above
owned Owned by this player
enemy Owned by opponent
structure Is structure
not_structure Is not structure
flying Is flying
not_flying Is not flying
gathering Is mining from minerals or gas
returning Is returning from minerals or gas
collecting Is mining or returning from minerals or gas
mineral_field Is mineral field
vespene_geyser Is vespene geyser
in_attack_range_of(unit [, distance]) Returns all units that the unit in the argument can shoot at. Ideal to check which enemy zerglings a marine of yours can shoot at. Optional distance: float parameter to check if the enemy is 1 range outside of shooting range.


Name Description
prefer_idle property Prefer idle units
prefer_close_to(position) Prefer units closer to the position
sorted(keyfn, reverse=False) Sorts units by keyfn. E.g. self.units.sorted(lambda u: + u.shield returns a sorted Units object by unit health (ascending)


A single unit (sc2.unit.Unit) has properties and actions (a.k.a. commands)


Name Description
_proto Raw unit info
type_id UnitTypeId of the unit (the enum value)
_type_data UnitTypeData of the unit (more info about the unit type, see self._game_info)
is_snapshot bool Snapshot, a previously seen building
is_visible bool Currently visible
alliance Alliance status
is_mine bool Owned by current player
is_enemy bool Enemy-owned unit
tag int Unique integer identifier
owner_id player_id of the owner
position Point2 Current position
position3d Point3 Current position
facing float the direction the unit is facing. east is 0, north is 0.5rad
distance_to(p) float distance to unit/position
radius float the unit size
detect_range float How far this unit detects clocked or burrowed units
radar_range float How far this unit sees
build_progress float Build progress, range [0.0, 1.0]
is_ready bool Build progress == 1
cloak Cloak Cloak status
is_blip bool Detected by watch tower
is_powered bool Some Protoss buildings must be in the power field to work
is_burrowed bool
is_flying bool
is_structure bool Note: some structures can walk or fly
is_light bool
is_armored bool
is_biological bool
is_mechanical bool
is_robotic bool
is_massive bool
is_psionic bool
is_mineral_field bool
is_vespene_geyser bool
tech_alias None or List[UnitTypeId E.g. for HIVE this returns [UnitTypeId.HATCHERY, UnitTypeId.LAIR], for SCV it returns None
unit_alias None or List[UnitTypeId E.g. for FLYINGORBITALCOMMAND this returns UnitTypeId.COMMANDCENTER, for SCV it returns None
race Race e.g. Race.Terran, Race.Random
health Current health
health_max Max health
health_percentage Current health / max health
shield Current shield
shield_max Max shield
shield_percentage Current shield / max shield
energy Current energy
energy_max Max energy
energy_percentage Current energy / max energy
mineral_contents int Amount of minerals
vespene_contents int Amount of vespene
weapon_cooldown float how many frames remaining until the unit can attack again
cargo_size int How much cargo this unit uses up in cargo_space
has_cargo bool If this unit has units loaded
cargo_used int How much cargo space is used (some units take up more than 1 space)
cargo_max int How much cargo space is totally available - CC: 5, Bunker: 4, Medivac: 8 and Bunker can only load infantry, CC only SCVs
passengers Set[PassengerUnit] Units inside a Bunker, CommandCenter, Nydus, Medivac, WarpPrism, Overlord
passengers_tags Set[int] Tags of the passengers
can_attack_ground bool
ground_dps float Does not include upgrades
ground_range range Does not include upgrades
can_attack_air bool
air_dps float Does not include upgrades
air_range range Does not include upgrades
target_in_range(unit) bool Includes the target's radius when calculating distance to target
sight_range float
movement_speed float Does not include effects
is_carrying_minerals bool
is_carrying_vespene bool
orders List[UnitOrder] Order queue
noqueue bool Is the order queue empty
is_moving bool If the unit is moving
is_attacking bool If the unit is attacking
is_gathering bool If the unit is mining minerals or gas
is_returning bool If the unit is returning from minerals or gas
is_collecting bool If the unit is mining or returning minerals or gas
order_target None or int or Point2 If the unit is not idle, returns the first order target (if targeting a unit, returns its unit tag, else returns target point)
is_idle No current action, same as noqueue
add_on_tag int Returns 0 if this unit has no addon, else returns the addon's tag
add_on_land_position Point2 Assuming this unit is an addon, this returns the exact position a terran structure has to land to attach to the addon
has_add_on bool Checks if unit has an addon attached.
assigned_harvesters int how many workers are mining minerals (if unit is a townhalls) or mining gas (if unit is refinery/extractor/assimilator)
ideal_harvesters int how many workers ideally should be mining minerals (if unit is a townhalls) or mining gas (if unit is refinery/extractor/assimilator)
surplus_harvesters int assigned_harvesters - ideal_harvesters returns negative number if too few are mining
name Unit type name
assigned_harvesters  Harvester units assigned to this unit
ideal_harvesters  Ideal number of harvester units for this unit


Action returns a sc2.unit_command.UnitCommand. Note that actions are not executed by calling these methods, they just create the action that can be executed by await in your bot class.

All these methods take additional parameters: a (sometimes optional) target and a (fully optional) queue (defaulting to False). Target is required by some commands, and disallowed in others. It may be either point or unit when defined. If queue is True then the command is queued after the previous actions, otherwise it overrides the current action.

Name Description
train(unit) Train a new unit
build(unit) Build a building
research(upgrade) Research an upgrade
has_buff(buff) bool If the unit has a buff
warp_in(unit, pos) Assumes the unit is a warp gate, tries to warp in a protoss unit
attack() Attack
gather() Gather a resource
return_resource() Return a resource
move() Move to
hold_position() Hold position
stop() Stop current action
(action) __call__ Use the given ability